Achieve ambitious goals

The power of H+C

We’ve had the privilege to be involved in many fascinating projects. We’ve solved widely differing challenges in the areas of organization management, transition management and HR management. We’ve provided countless assessments, trainings and coaching programmes. We’re building on over 25 years of experience, first as Hauptmeijer & Clotscher and more recently under our current name. We are H+C and we are at your service.


Our team of professionals comprises business administrators, transition managers, HR consultants, psychologists, coaches, trainers and actors. We select our professionals on their skills and know-how, their motivation and focus on results, their communicative skills and a healthy dose of enthusiasm. We provide tailored solutions, deploying the best professionals and scientifically validated methodology to deliver as promised.

Taking the lead

We believe in the power of people and teams. When the right people are in the right positions, and when they work together with a focus on result, under the inspirational leadership of innovative managers, they have the power to achieve ambitious objectives. In the process of getting there, we like to take the lead. 


You aim high and so we aim just as high. Count on us to deliver the highest quality. It’s our passion and our pleasure to thoroughly analyze your organization in order to devise highly specific recommendations and a realistic plan of approach. Together with you we take the necessary steps towards an effective collaborative organization. Strategic objectives and individual development go hand in hand. We connect the ‘hard’ and the ‘soft’.


Just like our clients, we embrace innovation and growth. We learn from our clients through project evaluations, we stay in touch with developments in our field by following seminars, and we learn from our immediate colleagues through peer reviews and shadow consulting. Because just like our clients we look forward, facing the future.


Truly collaborative organizations are truly effective. They ride the wave of enthusiasm of their talented employees. The unachievable comes within reach. Being able to help make this possible is what puts a smile on our faces.

H+C's power sources

+    Organization management

+    Transition management

+    Talent management

+    Assessment

+    Training

+    Coaching

H+C's qualities

  • +


  • +


  • +


  • +


  • +

    Focus on results

  • +


stdClass Object ( [id] => 4 [title] => Footer [style_id] => [style_class] => [menu] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 77 [title] => Disclaimer and privacy statement [url] => /en-US/disclaimer-and-privacy-statement [icon] => [style_id] => [style_class] => [active] => [current] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 92 [title] => General Terms and Conditions [url] => [icon] => [style_id] => av_pdf [style_class] => [active] => [current] => ) ) [translations] => Array ( [94] => Array ( [alias_url] => team ) [102] => Array ( [alias_url] => assessment-3 ) [74] => Array ( [alias_url] => working-for-hc [menu_title] => Working for ) [101] => Array ( [alias_url] => next-level ) [92] => Array ( [alias_url] => [menu_title] => General Terms and Conditions ) [77] => Array ( [alias_url] => disclaimer-and-privacy-statement [menu_title] => Disclaimer and privacy statement ) [71] => Array ( [alias_url] => hc [menu_title] => H+C ) [75] => Array ( [alias_url] => contact [menu_title] => Contact ) [85] => Array ( [alias_url] => projects [menu_title] => News ) [82] => Array ( [alias_url] => coaching [menu_title] => Coaching ) [81] => Array ( [alias_url] => training [menu_title] => Training ) [80] => Array ( [alias_url] => assessment [menu_title] => Assessment ) [79] => Array ( [alias_url] => talent-management [menu_title] => Talent management ) [78] => Array ( [alias_url] => organization-management [menu_title] => Organization management ) [70] => Array ( [alias_url] => power-sources [menu_title] => Power sources ) [103] => Array ( [alias_url] => de-kracht-van-hc [menu_title] => The power of H+C ) [69] => Array ( [alias_url] => home [menu_title] => Home ) [114] => Array ( [alias_url] => haftungsausschluss-und-datenschutzerklarung ) [115] => Array ( [alias_url] => ) [112] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-7 ) [109] => Array ( [alias_url] => hr-live ) [111] => Array ( [alias_url] => interesse-in-een-vragenuur ) [108] => Array ( [alias_url] => seminar-spiegelapp ) [107] => Array ( [alias_url] => faq ) [106] => Array ( [alias_url] => assessment-2 ) [110] => Array ( [alias_url] => online-training ) [91] => Array ( [alias_url] => spiegelapp ) [100] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-6 ) [99] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-5 ) [98] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-4 ) [97] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-3 ) [96] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-2 ) [95] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-1 ) [76] => Array ( [alias_url] => search [menu_title] => Search ) [72] => Array ( [alias_url] => our-clients [menu_title] => Our clients ) [73] => Array ( [alias_url] => stories [menu_title] => Stories ) [84] => Array ( [alias_url] => karakteristieken-van-hc ) [83] => Array ( [alias_url] => krachtbronnen-van-hc ) ) ) website Object ( [menu] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 71 [title] => H+C [url] => /en-US/hc [icon] => [style_id] => [style_class] => [pagebanners] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 10 [cattitle] => HC [title] => Achieve ambitious goals [intro] => hcbanner [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/pagebanners/images/HC_HC.jpg [thumbnail] => ) ) ) [aliasFound] => 1 [children] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 103 [title] => The power of H+C [url] => /en-US/hc/de-kracht-van-hc [icon] => [style_id] => [style_class] => [active] => [current] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 70 [title] => Power sources [url] => /en-US/hc/power-sources [icon] => [style_id] => [style_class] => [active] => [current] => [children] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 78 [title] => Organization management [url] => /en-US/hc/power-sources/organization-management [icon] => [style_id] => [style_class] => [active] => [current] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 79 [title] => Talent management [url] => /en-US/hc/power-sources/talent-management [icon] => [style_id] => [style_class] => [active] => [current] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 80 [title] => Assessment [url] => /en-US/hc/power-sources/assessment [icon] => [style_id] => [style_class] => [active] => [current] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 81 [title] => Training [url] => /en-US/hc/power-sources/training [icon] => [style_id] => [style_class] => [active] => [current] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 82 [title] => Coaching [url] => /en-US/hc/power-sources/coaching [icon] => [style_id] => [style_class] => [active] => [current] => ) ) ) ) ) [page] => stdClass Object ( [language] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 4 [code] => en-US [language] => EN [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/en.gif [sort] => 2 ) [headTitle] => Effective collaborative organizations with H+C - H+C [metaKeywords] => [metaDescription] => H+C sets organizations towards the achievement of ambitious targets by matching people and positions and promoting result-oriented collaboration [currentUrl] => /en-US/hc [navigation_id] => 1 [template_id] => 1 [id] => 80 [title] => H&C [style_id] => [style_class] => [content] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 200 [number_of_cells] => 1 [style_id] => krachtvanhc [style_class] => smallblock dotted [cells] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 243 [title] => [content_type] => website_type_text [style_id] => [style_class] => [data] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 164 [title] => The power of H+C [text] =>

We’ve had the privilege to be involved in many fascinating projects. We’ve solved widely differing challenges in the areas of organization management, transition management and HR management. We’ve provided countless assessments, trainings and coaching programmes. We’re building on over 25 years of experience, first as Hauptmeijer & Clotscher and more recently under our current name. We are H+C and we are at your service.


Our team of professionals comprises business administrators, transition managers, HR consultants, psychologists, coaches, trainers and actors. We select our professionals on their skills and know-how, their motivation and focus on results, their communicative skills and a healthy dose of enthusiasm. We provide tailored solutions, deploying the best professionals and scientifically validated methodology to deliver as promised.

) ) ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 210 [number_of_cells] => 1 [style_id] => [style_class] => smallblock dotted [cells] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 254 [title] => [content_type] => website_type_text [style_id] => [style_class] => [data] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 174 [title] => Taking the lead [text] =>

We believe in the power of people and teams. When the right people are in the right positions, and when they work together with a focus on result, under the inspirational leadership of innovative managers, they have the power to achieve ambitious objectives. In the process of getting there, we like to take the lead. 


You aim high and so we aim just as high. Count on us to deliver the highest quality. It’s our passion and our pleasure to thoroughly analyze your organization in order to devise highly specific recommendations and a realistic plan of approach. Together with you we take the necessary steps towards an effective collaborative organization. Strategic objectives and individual development go hand in hand. We connect the ‘hard’ and the ‘soft’.

) ) ) ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 211 [number_of_cells] => 1 [style_id] => [style_class] => smallblock [cells] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 255 [title] => [content_type] => website_type_text [style_id] => [style_class] => [data] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 175 [title] => Results [text] =>

Just like our clients, we embrace innovation and growth. We learn from our clients through project evaluations, we stay in touch with developments in our field by following seminars, and we learn from our immediate colleagues through peer reviews and shadow consulting. Because just like our clients we look forward, facing the future.


Truly collaborative organizations are truly effective. They ride the wave of enthusiasm of their talented employees. The unachievable comes within reach. Being able to help make this possible is what puts a smile on our faces.

) ) ) ) ) ) [template] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [title] => Default [file] => templates/1/default.php [root] => /templates/1 [path] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/templates/1 [settings] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [website] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [title] => Hauptmeijer & Clotscher [url] => [base] => /en-US/ [default_language] => nl-NL [analytics] => UA-113364692-1 [style_id] => [style_class] => [logo] => [slogan] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/websites/screenshot//var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/websites/screenshot/slogan_purple.svg [headTitle] => H+C [metaKeywords] => Hauptmeijer & Clotscher, maatwerk, organisatiemanagement, transitiemanagement, talentmanagement, assessment, training, coaching [metaDescription] => Maatwerk met organisatiemanagement, transitiemanagement, talentmanagement, assessment, training en coaching ) [languages] => Array ( [nl-NL] => Array ( [id] => 1 [code] => nl-NL [language] => NL [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/nl.gif [sort] => 1 ) [en-US] => Array ( [id] => 4 [code] => en-US [language] => EN [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/en.gif [sort] => 2 ) [de-DE] => Array ( [id] => 5 [code] => de-DE [language] => DE [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/de.png [sort] => 3 ) ) [microtime] => 1740262872.1447 [db] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => -1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: b5c5906d452ec590732a93b051f3827e02749b83 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 6 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.0.38-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [server_version] => 50505 [stat] => Uptime: 9919225 Threads: 7 Questions: 1079330666 Slow queries: 56098 Opens: 87163626 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 400 Queries per second avg: 108.811 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 7375564 [warning_count] => 0 ) [user] => stdClass Object ( [preferedLanguage] => ) [events] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [title] => HR Live online: hét online kennis- en netwerkevent voor HR. [alias] => seminar-spiegelapp [date] => 2021-01-21 09:00:00 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2 [title] => HR Live: hét online kennis- en netwerkevent voor HR in de Fokker Terminal [alias] => hr-live [date] => 2021-05-20 00:00:00 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 3 [title] => Spiegelapp Vragenuur [alias] => interesse-in-een-vragenuur [date] => 2021-01-22 13:00:00 ) ) )