Powerful teams and organizations

Fascinating developments

Ever since the foundation of H+C, some 30 years ago, we have been driven by the ambition to build healthy organizations that enable people to flourish. We support our clients with targeted advice, a result-oriented approach and effective tools to empower people, teams and their organizations.


Read the latest news of successful transitions, interesting tools and brand-new developments. In our blogs we are happy to share some of the knowledge and expertise we have accumulated over the years.

28 March 2024



24 March 2024


Gemotiveerde werknemers in de horeca.

21 March 2024


Talent zichtbaar en inzetbaar maken

3 February 2024


Waarom zijn functieprofielen en een functiehuis eigenlijk belangrijk?

4 November 2023


Insight in the talents of professionals and teams

15 July 2020


Measuring is the key to knowledge

15 June 2020


Building windmills to reap the winds of change

11 June 2020


All hands at the helm!

19 May 2020


A new HR cycle: developing talent in a changing market

15 May 2020


‘If you let go you will have two hands free’

12 May 2020


The new HR cycle: feedback is a gift

7 May 2020


Show consistent and transparent leadership in transitions

26 March 2020


From crisis to opportunity

25 February 2020


The Spiegelapp connects generations

12 December 2019


Next Level! for adaptable organizations

12 December 2019


Insight into competences, managing development

13 November 2019


Mirror, mirror on the wall, the fairest insights of them all… thanks to online feedback

13 November 2019


The Spiegelapp and Business Intelligence

16 July 2019


Successful implementation H+C Spiegelapp – continuous learning and goal attainment

11 July 2019


Fast forward to a robustly structured family business

4 February 2019


Insight in the talents of professionals and teams

28 June 2018


Tailor-made training and targeted assessments

25 June 2018


Job profiles: standard document or an effective management tool?

5 April 2018


Sustainable transition in the super yacht industry: coupling behaviour development to process optimization

Show more

H+C's power sources

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+    Transition management

+    Talent management

+    Assessment

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H+C's qualities

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H+C [metaKeywords] => Measuring is the key to knowledge [metaDescription] => For any kind of organization, whether public or private, a process of transition begins with a thorough understanding of its clients. [currentUrl] => /en-US/projects [navigation_id] => 1 [template_id] => 15 [id] => 98 [title] => Projects [style_id] => [style_class] => [content] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 231 [number_of_cells] => 1 [style_id] => [style_class] => smallblock [cells] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 276 [title] => [content_type] => website_type_text [style_id] => [style_class] => [data] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 189 [title] => Fascinating developments [text] =>

Ever since the foundation of H+C, some 30 years ago, we have been driven by the ambition to build healthy organizations that enable people to flourish. We support our clients with targeted advice, a result-oriented approach and effective tools to empower people, teams and their organizations.


Read the latest news of successful transitions, interesting tools and brand-new developments. In our blogs we are happy to share some of the knowledge and expertise we have accumulated over the years.

) ) ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 227 [number_of_cells] => 1 [style_id] => sterkeverhalen [style_class] => smallblock [cells] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 272 [title] => [content_type] => website_type_news [style_id] => [style_class] => [data] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 293 [date] => 2024-03-28 [title] => DUURZAME INZETBAARHEID, EIGENAARSCHAP EN REGIE VERBETEREN MET SPIEGELAPP. [subtitle] => [text] =>

Een succesvol bedrijf kenmerkt zich onder andere door goede managers en effectief leiderschap. Een 360° feedback tool heeft zich bewezen als een krachtig instrument voor de ontwikkeling van human resources en leiderschap. Managers kunnen hun sterke punten identificeren en nadenken over ontwikkelingsgebieden en deze verbeteren. Zoals met veel invloedrijke tools, zijn er echter tal van mythes rond 360°-feedback die de perceptie en het gebruik van deze tool beïnvloeden. In deze blog gaan we dieper in op de 360° feedback development tool. We lichten de sluier op en onthullen de voordelen van 360° feedback.

Een open feedbackcultuur ontwikkelt zich door 360° feedback tool.

In een transparante en open werkomgeving is er al voldoende feedback tussen medewerkers en management – zo luidt een aanname. De realiteit is echter vaak anders want medewerkers geven zelden zelf feedback aan collega's of managers. Zelfs in een organisatiecultuur die de nadruk legt op communicatie en transparantie, komen uitgebreide feedbackprocessen pas tot stand wanneer aan werknemers wordt gevraagd om op een gestructureerde manier feedback te geven. Bovendien sluit informele feedback subjectieve perspectieven af die worden gevormd door de actualiteit en wordt het niet geleid door leiderschapsrichtlijnen, wat het nut ervan beperkt.

De Spiegelapp biedt de nodige structuur omdat het een platform is waarop expliciet feedback wordt gevraagd door de gebruiker zelf, systematisch wordt de informatie verzameld en geëvalueerd. Dergelijke systemen zorgen ervoor dat werknemers zelf regie nemen op hun ontwikkeling. Een 360° feedbacksysteem zorgt ervoor dat alle perspectieven worden meegenomen en dat constructieve feedback zowel gegeven als ontvangen kan worden. Dit bevordert niet alleen de individuele prestaties van de leiders, maar ook het succes van de hele organisatie.

Feedback is niet tijdrovend en belastend voor de organisatie.

Uit de resultaten van de feedback kunnen effectieve ontwikkelingsplannen voor individuen worden afgeleid. In plaats van het breed aanbieden van trainingen en bijscholingen volgens, kunnen managers en medewerkers gericht worden ontwikkeld. Dit bespaart tijd en geld. Managers die 360° feedback krijgen, tonen een grotere betrokkenheid bij hun eigen ontwikkeling.

De positieve effecten van 360° feedback zijn echter niet beperkt tot de individuele ontvangers van feedback. De resultaten maken het mogelijk om conclusies te trekken over de ontwikkeling van strategisch belangrijke kenmerken en gedragspatronen bij grotere groepen medewerkers. De resultaten zijn voor de organisatie real time te lezen in het management dashboard. Tevens heeft 360° feedback ook een positief effect op de bedrijfscultuur. In een gecoördineerde vragenlijst worden de kernwaarden en bedrijfsstrategie van de organisatie weerspiegeld in de vaardigheden en gedragingen. Op deze manier communiceert de organisatie naar medewerkers welke gebieden belangrijk zijn en gericht ontwikkeld moeten worden.


Laat de keuze van feedbackgevers over aan de ontvangers van de feedback zelf.

Als managers zelf bepalen wie hen feedback geeft, zullen ze alleen degenen kiezen van wie ze positieve feedback verwachten. Hierachter schuilt vaak een conservatief beeld van extrinsiek geconditioneerde werkmotivatie, die wordt gekenmerkt door beloning en straf.

Medewerkers zijn vooral op zoek naar authentieke, oprechte en constructieve feedback die hen helpt zichzelf beter te begrijpen - zowel in termen van onbekende zwakheden als onbenut groeipotentieel. Ze hechten waarde aan een duidelijk en onbevooroordeeld beeld van hun prestaties en gedrag. Deze eerlijke feedback wordt bijzonder op prijs gesteld, omdat het een realistische inschatting van de eigen capaciteiten mogelijk maakt. Het is belangrijk dat de organisatie bij de invoering van het instrument het juiste kader creëert.

Als deelnemers een (beperkte) invloed krijgen op de selectie van hun beoordelaars, verbeteren de perceptie van eerlijkheid, de geloofwaardigheid van de beoordelaars en het nut van de feedback aanzienlijk. Dit resulteert in een toename van de werkprestaties en het stellen van gemotiveerde doelen. De participatieve benadering van de nominatie leidt tot een grotere variatie in de evaluaties, omdat een breder scala aan perspectieven wordt vastgelegd, wat essentieel is voor een alomvattende en zinvolle beoordeling.

Uit onderzoek blijkt dat beoordelaars die geselecteerd zijn door feedbackontvangers net zo nauwkeurig of zelfs preciezer scoren dan beoordelaars die niet door hen zijn geselecteerd. Dit benadrukt de effectiviteit van een participatieve aanpak, waarbij feedbackontvangers en managers gezamenlijk de evaluatoren selecteren, wat zowel de acceptatie van de resultaten als de effectiviteit van het hele feedbackproces versterkt.


Feedback tools helpen niet alleen het management.

Een 360° feedback tool zoals de Spiegelapp geeft het management essentiële inzichten in de sterke punten en leergebieden van individuele teamleden. Dit is echter ook een kans om collectieve groei binnen het bedrijf te bevorderen door middel van gerichte ondersteuning. De individuele teamleden krijgen een duidelijk beeld van hun professionele vaardigheden en kunnen samen met de organisatie werken aan hun verdere ontwikkeling. Ookzorgt 360° feedback ook voor transparantie en duidelijkheid in de vraag welke eisen de organisatie heeft en of het individu op dit moment aan deze verwachtingen voldoet.


360° Feedback beschadigt niet de interne of externe werkrelaties.

Gestructureerde feedbackprocessen met op gedrag gebaseerde vragenlijsten versterken de relaties tussen feedbackontvangers en feedbackgevers. Vertrouwen wordt opgebouwd en niet vernietigd. Een professioneel verzamelde 360° feedback wordt als constructief en objectief ervaren. Als verborgen conflicten aan het licht komen, kunnen deze actief worden opgelost, wat een positief effect heeft op de relaties tussen medewerkers en leidinggevenden. Een duidelijke scheiding tussen persoon en gedrag heeft een onschadelijk effect op conflicten, zodat de feedback wordt gezien als een kans voor ontwikkeling en niet als persoonlijke kritiek.


Wil je medewerkers die regie en eigenaarschap nemen?

De Spiegelapp 360° feedback tool levert voordelen op voor individuen, teams en organisaties. De 360°-feedback tool heeft gegarandeerd succes wanneer een zorgvuldige planning, communicatie, implementatie kan plaatvinden. De Spiegelapp kan zijn potentieel en blijvend effect ontwikkelen als de manager in staat is een ontwikkelgericht gesprek te voeren met medewerkers. We hebben de Spiegelapp ontwikkeld voor groeiende en innovatieve organisaties. We adviseren, ontzorgen en implementeren en we zijn telefonisch bereikbaar. Wil je meer hierover weten? Neem contact op met Krista Beilschmidt.

krista@h-c.nl of 070 3469205




[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/duurzame-inzetbaarheid-eigenaarschap-en-regie-verbeteren-met-360-feedback [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/Afbeelding_3_schermen_Spiegelapp.jpg [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 291 [date] => 2024-03-24 [title] => Gemotiveerde werknemers in de horeca. [subtitle] => [text] =>

Het creëren van een positieve psychologie en een constructieve werksfeer in een Michelin-sterrenrestaurant vereist een delicate balans tussen uitmuntendheid en ondersteuning binnen het team.

Afgelopen jaar mocht ik de eigenaar/ chef-kok helpen met het onderzoek naar de meest passende HR strategie. Naast het op orde brengen van het functie- en competentiehuis mocht ik medewerkers trainen in het feedback vragen en ontvangen en is het onder andere het ontwikkelgesprek door mij geïntroduceerd. Kwaliteit, samenwerking en feedback zijn belangrijke waarden voor dit bedrijf.  Strategieën die hierbij helpen en bij dit bedrijf een positief effect hebben gehad zijn onder meer:


1. Waardering tonen:

Erken de inzet, toewijding en prestaties van het team regelmatig. Dit kan variëren van persoonlijke bedankjes tot formele erkenning tijdens teambijeenkomsten of via beloningen en bonussen.


2. Open communicatie:

Zorg voor een open communicatiecultuur waarin teamleden zich vrij voelen om ideeën, zorgen en feedback te delen. Luister actief naar wat ze te zeggen hebben en neem hun input serieus bij het nemen van beslissingen.


3. Ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden:

Bied mogelijkheden voor professionele ontwikkeling en groei binnen het restaurant. Dit kan trainingen, workshops, stages bij andere gerenommeerde restaurants of zelfs financiële ondersteuning voor verdere opleiding omvatten.



Organiseer regelmatig teambuildingactiviteiten en sociale evenementen om de onderlinge band tussen teamleden te versterken. Dit kan variëren van kookworkshops buiten de werktijden tot uitstapjes naar lokale bezienswaardigheden.


5. Empowerment:

Geef teamleden verantwoordelijkheid en autonomie binnen hun rol. Moedig initiatief en creativiteit aan en geef ruimte voor individuele expressie en innovatie binnen de keuken en de bediening.


6. Een gezonde werk-privébalans:

Respecteer de grenzen van het team en moedig een gezonde werk-privébalans aan. Dit kan onder meer het plannen van vrije dagen, het vermijden van overuren en het bieden van flexibele werkschema's omvatten.


7. Positieve feedbackcultuur:

Stimuleer een cultuur van positieve feedback en constructieve kritiek. Moedig teamleden aan om elkaar te ondersteunen, te coachen en te inspireren om constant te streven naar verbetering en uitmuntendheid.

Door deze strategieën te implementeren, kan een Michelin-sterrenrestaurant niet alleen uitblinken in culinaire prestaties, maar ook een werkomgeving creëren waarin teamleden gedijen, groeien en met trots bijdragen aan het succes van het restaurant.

Wil je ook een positieve motiverende werkcultuur creëren met je team?

Bel Krista Beilschmidt op nummer 070-346 92 05 of 06-41 27 30 20 voor meer informatie en relevante referenties.

Een mail sturen kan natuurlijk ook: krista@h-c.nl



[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/gemotiveerde-werknemers-in-de-horeca [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/IMG_0615.jpeg [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 292 [date] => 2024-03-21 [title] => Talent zichtbaar en inzetbaar maken [subtitle] => [text] =>

H+C helpt bedrijven aan het best geschikte personeel. 

Talent zichtbaar maken en matchen met de best passende plek binnen je onderneming. De talentscans en assessments kunnen bij ons of op locatie uitgevoerd worden. 


H+C Assessments

“De digitalisering van de samenleving is nu goed merkbaar in de HR-dienstverlening. In toenemende mate worden werving en selectieprocedures online uitgevoerd met gebruik van testen. Dit verhoogt de efficiency van het selectieproces wat betreft snelheid en kosten. Kandidaten kunnen thuis testen doen om cognitieve capaciteiten en persoonlijkheidsvoorkeuren vooraf in kaart te brengen. 

Voor management functies zijn de uitgebreide assessments nog steeds een belangrijke aanvulling voor een gedegen selectie en vervolgafspraken. Bij H+C zijn assessments maatwerk en is het mogelijk om online of op locatie een interview af te nemen, aangevuld met een maatwerk praktijksimulatie in de vorm van een game of een praktijk-rollenspel met een assessment acteur. Deze werkwijze biedt veel efficiencyvoordelen en positieve energie voor de kandidaat en is een visitekaartje voor het bedrijf.


De man of vrouw op de juiste plek!

Een maatwerk assessment is effectief en efficiënt, maar vraagt goede co-creatie met een opdrachtgevers. In dit overleg met HR en/of lijnmanagement is het van belang om de verwachtingen en doelstellingen van het assessment en de onderzoeksvraag met elkaar scherp voor ogen te hebben om maximaal rendement te behalen.


Skills + Systeem = Succes!

Zeker voor key-functionarissen zijn de context waarin de functie zich bevindt en de fase waarin de organisatie verkeert voor ons belangrijk. Ook zijn aspecten zoals teamsamenstelling, de propositie in de markt, de huidige cultuur en eventueel de gewenste cultuur essentieel om een goed advies te geven over de inzetbaarheid of ontwikkelbaarheid van een kandidaat.


Altijd nazorg vanuit H+C

Nazorg voor de kandidaat is belangrijk. Het bespreken van het assessmentrapport draagt bij aan de borging en carrièrestappen van de kandidaat. Wanneer een kandidaat een duidelijk beeld heeft van de kaders die hij/zij nodig heeft om optimaal te kunnen ontwikkelen en te presteren, heeft dit direct impact op organisaties. Uit ervaring weten wij dat een nagesprek hierbij van grote toegevoegde waarde is voor organisaties in transitie. Het nabespreken van het rapport met de opdrachtgever is voor van grote meerwaarde. 



• Ontwikkel-assessment

• Selectie-assessment

• Loopbaan-assessment

• Spiegelapp-assessment

• Agile-assessment

• TOP-assessment

• Development Center

Bel Krista Beilschmidt op nummer 070-346 92 05 of 06-41 27 30 20 voor meer informatie en relevante referenties.


[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/talent-zichtbaar-en-inzetbaar-maken [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/IMG_0619.jpeg [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 290 [date] => 2024-02-03 [title] => Waarom zijn functieprofielen en een functiehuis eigenlijk belangrijk? [subtitle] => [text] =>

Werving en de Selectie…

Als eerste is het voor het succesvol werven en vervullen van vacatures van belang dat het bij het plaatsen van een vacature en het houden van sollicitatiegesprekken goed is om duidelijk te hebben wat je nu precies zoekt om echt een geschikte match te vinden. In de praktijk zie ik te vaak dat er al kandidaten zijn uitgenodigd maar dat er vanuit de organisatie geen duidelijk beeld is bij een openstaande vacature en wat die persoon precies moet gaat doen. Kortom het succesvol werven en selecteren van een nieuwe medewerker begint met een zorgvuldig opgesteld functieprofiel. Hoe gedetailleerder en specifieker de vacaturetekst, hoe beter de juiste kandidaat zich hierin herkent en hoe groter de kans is dat je een goede match vindt. Dankzij een goed functieprofiel weet je exact wat je in een nieuwe medewerker zoekt; je sollicitant/medewerker weet direct wat van hem wordt verwacht.


Je ben in dienst en hoe nu verder…

Wanneer iemand in dienst is getreden is een goed functieprofiel ook van belang om medewerkers te behouden. Door de functieprofielen binnen je bedrijf te delen met je medewerkers, schep je duidelijkheid over wat iedereen doet én schets je loopbaanperspectief. Je medewerkers zien welke functies er binnen een organisatie bestaan, inclusief bijbehorende taken, bevoegdheden en verantwoordelijkheden. Wanneer de functieprofielen aan een salarishuis zijn gekoppeld dan is het voor je medewerkers duidelijk tot hoe ver ze kunnen doorgroeien in salaris.  Als je een mooi carrièrepad – inclusief persoonlijke ontwikkelmogelijkheden - biedt, zijn medewerkers meer gemotiveerd om bij jouw organisatie te blijven werken.


Bij reorganisatie, re-integratie en ontslag…

In het geval van een reorganisatie waarbij je in een ontslagprocedure van het UWV (bedrijfseconomisch- afspiegelingsbeginsel) terecht komt- wordt er in de procedure altijd om een getekende functieomschrijving gevraagd. Dit geldt ook voor een individuele ontslagprocedure bij de kantonrechter (bijv. bij verbetertraject en geen verbetering).

Ook wanneer een medewerker ziek uit dienst gaat of het tot een WIA- keuring komt na 2 jaar arbeidsongeschiktheid dien je een getekend functieprofiel te overhandigen. Dit heb je ook al eerder nodig in het kader van de Wet Verbetering Poortwachter bij bijvoorbeeld een arbeidsdeskundige onderzoek na 1 jaar ziekte of het starten van een 2e spoor traject.

Verder geeft een goed functiehuis inzicht in de organisatiestructuur. Op deze manier wordt duidelijk of alle taken logisch en efficiënt verdeeld zijn, ze goed op elkaar aansluiten en aan welke nieuwe functies de organisatie behoefte heeft om te groeien. Functieprofielen zijn hiervoor onmisbaar.


Ook zorgt een functieprofiel voor duidelijke afspraken met medewerkers over hun functie (in de regel zorgt dit er ook vaak bij medewerkers voor dat ze zich gezien voelen). Je kunt hierdoor ook actief sturen op taken, bevoegdheden en verantwoordelijkheden.


Bij het opstellen van een goed functieprofiel kom je er ook achter of er voor alle werkzaamheden voldoende back -up is zodat je bij ziekte/vakantie/plotselinge uitdiensttreding niet in de problemen komt. Daarnaast komt er naar voren of er nog taken en verantwoordelijkheden blijven liggen.

Tot slot komt er in het functieprofiel naar voren hoeveel regelruimte iemand in een functie heeft. Aan wie rapporteert de medewerker, zijn er nog onduidelijkheden over beslissingen die iemand in de functie wel/niet mag nemen (bijv budgettechnisch).

Kortom, heb je nog geen functiehuis waarbij alle medewerkers voor een functie hebben getekend? In dit artikel heb ik de belangrijkste zaken uiteengezet waarom het goed zou zijn om een functiehuis met getekende functieprofielen op te tuigen.

Heb je hulp nodig bij het opstellen van functieprofielen en zou je dit graag zien gebeuren in een nieuwe vorm of stijl?  Neem vrijblijvend contact op.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/waarom-zijn-functieprofielen-en-een-functiehuis-eigenlijk-belangrijk [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/Foto_contact_en_koffiemoment.jpg [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 172 [date] => 2023-11-04 [title] => Insight in the talents of professionals and teams [subtitle] => [text] =>

The right person in the right place, that’s important. But an effective organization requires more: results-based collaboration. At the H&C Development Centre we get to work with teams to gain an insight into their talents. We also set specific individual and joint goals appropriate to company strategy.


In inspiring half-day sessions at our Development Centre, we offer a combination of development assessment, training and inspirational sessions to get the most from an employee and a team. At both individual and group level, that leads to a deeper understanding of the competencies for effective collaboration. In addition, we also make agreements on specific result goals. We produce clear reports in which we set out our advice on development and careers and make suggestions about recommended training or coaching sessions. We always work respectfully and with a feel for governing relationships. Development assessments are important tools to help you obtain your company objectives.


Our portfolio contains various evaluation tools ranging from selection, career and management development/High Potential assessments to TOP assessment/ Leading Innovation assessment. These are all based on scientific research and can be used individually and for groups. 


We have selected our psychologists on their people-oriented and results-based skills. They work according to the code of conduct of the Dutch Association of Psychologist (NIP) and are accredited for the Insights Discovery and Management Drives methodologies.


Would you like to know more about the H&C Development Centre and our assessments?

Call Henk Hauptmeijer on number +31 70 346 92 05 or +31 6 53 20 67 31 for more information and relevant references in the profit and non-profit sectors. Henk is a strategic consultant, business administrator, organization specialist and founder of H&C.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/insight-in-the-talents-of-professionals-and-teams [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/blog_thumbnail_gespreksballon.png [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 204 [date] => 2020-07-15 [title] => Measuring is the key to knowledge [subtitle] => [text] =>

For any kind of organization, whether public or private, a process of transition begins with a thorough understanding of its clients. What are their needs and how can these be met? The municipality of Hengelo recently asked us to take the temperature of public opinion on its performance.


A city’s administrators are under constant scrutiny. How are they spending taxpayers’ money? Is the decision-making process transparent, and do citizens get a chance to have their say? Our survey among a variety of stakeholders shed light on the municipality’s strong and weaker points. Facing the truth takes courage, but it’s certainly helpful in setting the right goals. In Hengelo, the survey and a plan of approach for the desired transition have already resulted in a number of successful improvements!



Would you like to know more about what H+C and Next Level! can mean for transitions in municipalities, companies and institutions?

Call Henk Hauptmeijer at +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or  + 31 (0)6 53 20 67 31 for more information and relevant references in the profit and non-profit sectors. Henk is a strategic consultant, business administrator, organization specialist and founder of H+C.


[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/measuring-is-the-key-to-knowledge [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/20200715_H_C_Transitie_gemeente_Hengelo_nieuws_Tubantia_afbeelding.jpg [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 202 [date] => 2020-06-15 [title] => Building windmills to reap the winds of change [subtitle] => [text] =>

We knew in theory, but this year we’re seeing it from up close: Change can come out of nowhere and disrupt an entire society. As an entrepreneur, how do you deal with that kind of unpredictability? There is no way to anticipate absolutely everything, of course, but an agile organization is able to keep a cool head and go with the flow. With our assessments we make clear where teams and individual employees stand in terms of flexibility. From there, we can start working together to make organizations ready for the future. 


The world keeps growing smaller. Across borders, we are more closely connected than we sometimes even realize. Events in faraway places have their immediate impact on our part of the world. Just think of what happened at the start of the coronavirus outbreak: factories and borders were closed, with immediate consequences for the supply of parts and finished products. Similarly, political tensions and climate factors can be disrupters of trade. 


Constant change
Crises come and go, but change is here to stay. In all possible industries, the market is constantly on the move. Digitalization is happening at breakneck speed, with new technologies emerging in quick succession. As entrepreneurs we thoroughly understand the saying ‘no man is an island’ – especially in this country that lives and breathes international trade.  We’re always looking to connect with the world around us. We operate internationally, with a variety of cultures and a wide range of risks. Change is our reality. It’s happening every day, today faster than ever before, and change is the one thing we can count on not to go away. In an organization, ALL employees need to be able to handle this and adapt. Which calls for an attitude of openness and an eagerness to learn. For agility, flexibility and creativity. Changes may impact some roles more than others, but in the end we will all be affected. But how can organizations develop that level of agility? 


Traditional structures
In our transition projects we are lucky to work with some of the most wonderful companies, with high levels of craftsmanship and service and a strong drive to achieve challenging goals. And yet they often operate within traditional structures with hierarchic leadership models. Which would actually seem counterintuitive, as we can certainly trust the people who are masters of their trade to make the right decisions. We support organizations in their process of transformation and democratization, until a culture of ownership has settled deep inside the organization’s DNA. Empowering people is the key. Without managers who insist on bossing people around, but with leaders who know how to serve a team. When ownership is secured on the workfloor, transitions can be a success. 


Process optimization
The transition towards an organization that is agile, future-proof and thereby successful requires an analysis of customer requirements and the development of processes that provide an adequate response. It brings up questions such as ‘Which customers do we want to serve, and what are their needs?’ and ‘How do we think we can meet those needs?’. Together with teams we take stock of crucial business processes. We find ways to optimize them, then formalize them. Employees in key positions and their managers are well aware of the organization’s market potential. ‘How can we maximize the value we add?’, ‘How can we maximize our contribution to results?’, ‘How can we save costs?’. In close consultation with the organization we define goals and desired results. Then we use these as a basis for plotting a course for the transition. To the extent that is reasonably possible, we commit to guaranteed results.


Cultural transition
In parallel to the process optimization we help start the change of culture. We hold up a mirror to people to help them understand their competencies as well as their opportunities for growth. We put the right people in the right positions and provide training to create an open culture of collaboration aimed at achieving concrete results. Step by step we guide organizations on their trajectory from traditional and hierarchical structures towards a culture of responsibility, self-direction and results. Because the agility of an organization depends on employees being able to make their own judgments and take their own independent decisions. An important role in the analysis of this process is reserved for our assessments.


With our assessments we challenge the ability of managers, employees and teams to anticipate on unexpected situations and respond flexibly. We do this by presenting them with fictional cases that fully reflect the changeable nature of today’s reality. 


Every transition is uniquely tailored to the needs of an organization, and for this reason we offer a wide range of possible assessments, such as development assessments, agile assessments and selection assessments. Some of these are our own in-house developments, and all are based on scientific research as well as many years of experience. All our assessments can be applied at either the individual or the group level. And if the circumstances require, they can all be taken online. 


After the analytic phase we consult with stakeholders within the organization to lay out a programme for the organization’s development. This can include training of things such as coaching skills, influencing skills, ownership, result-oriented collaboration, customer focus, results and focus, personal effectiveness or giving feedback. Such a programme is always tailor-made in co-creation with our client. We draw on many years of experience in our recommendations of the most suitable tools.


Agile leadership
One of the objectives of a transition is to embed a sense of ownership deep within the organization. However, even the most agile organization needs some form of leadership. This leadership should be able to inspire teams and individuals and encourage them to achieve their goals. Agile leaders are themselves open to change and highly focused. They are innovative and creative, and able to think outside of the box. They have a clear understanding of processes and a talent for putting in motion the right things at the right time, always within a clear framework for goals and results. Such leaders are able to apply different styles of leadership. They are as mentally flexible as they are forward looking. For this too is characteristic of an agile organization: the ability to move and make strategic choices.


Flexible organization
A crucial aspect in all this is the combination of flexibility at both the operational and the strategic level. This is the only way to make optimal use of the knowledge and expertise of experienced professionals. Agile leaders know how to give them every necessary room to manoeuvre while at the same time building the future. After all, it’s not just about the ability to respond to unexpected situations in the present, it’s also about the flexibility and drive to anticipate future change and stay ahead of the competition. 


An old Chinese proverb says: ‘The winds of change are met by some with walls, by others with windmills.’ It’s our mission to support wonderful organizations in their transformation towards agility and the ability to seize the opportunities that change has to offer. To help them become organizations that have the creativity to imagine ‘windmills’ and the level of craftsmanship that’s required to make them reality. They will be successful if they can tap into and develop their biggest strength: the agility of their employees. For in any organization, it is always the people who represent the fundamental value. 


Would you like to know more about our assessments and the transition towards an agile organization? 

Call Krista Beilschmidt on +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or +31 (0)6 41 27 30 20 for more information and relevant references in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Krista is an HR consultant, business administrator and organization specialist, and a managing partner of H+C.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/building-windmills [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/blog_windmolens.jpg [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 200 [date] => 2020-06-11 [title] => All hands at the helm! [subtitle] => [text] =>

It’s highly motivating for people to be able to determine their own development goals and growth path. Much more so than having to work towards goals that were set by a manager. The stronger its culture of self-direction and self-development, the greater the flexibility of an organization. But perfect agility isn’t something that can be forged overnight. We help organizations take a major step in this direction by empowering people and giving them ownership of their development. 


Through the years we’ve worked with all possible types of organizations, from family businesses built on craftsmanship with hierarchic leadership models to start-ups with highly autonomous Scrum teams. In essence, the transitions we support are all about the same thing: increasing effectiveness and flexibility. The way we achieve this is in the first place by thoroughly embedding the concept of ownership in the organization. Employees and teams learn to take responsibility for their decisions, which allows them to better meet customers’ demands, respond more directly to change and stay on a path of continuous improvement. It won’t come as a surprise that this greatly enhances job satisfaction and commitment, while significantly boosting the organization’s performance financially and otherwise. 


Taking ownership of growth
Self-direction is about more than taking responsibility for day-to-day tasks. It’s about taking ownership of personal and professional growth. Where do employees see opportunities for development and which steps are they going to take? If they can make these decisions for themselves, they can start from a much more positive attitude and their motivation will be felt more deeply. Growth curves will be steeper than ever before. The environment that allows for the greatest room for growth is an agile organization: a flexible, learning organization in which employees and teams can take responsibility in an atmosphere of open communication.


The key to a learning organization is a feedback culture. The best way for employees to become aware of their opportunities for growth is to exchange experiences with the people around them: colleagues, managers, external relations. After all, if we don’t know ourselves, how can we know the ways in which we want to improve? As they ask and receive feedback on their actions, employees are able to deepen their self-knowledge and take control of their development, the right way. 


The Spiegelapp, a valuable tool in a culture of development through feedback 
H+C’s Spiegelapp is a feedback tool that is perfectly suited to the process of personal and professional growth. It provides an interactive learning environment in which employees can ask for feedback on specific competencies in their job profiles, at the time of their choosing. They can cask any question that is relevant to them. They can choose who to ask feedback from, including colleagues and people outside of the organization. They can record personal video messages to explain what they aim to develop and why – the perfect incentive for people to share their observations (feedback) and tips (feedforward). Who wouldn’t feel honoured to receive an invitation like that? It’s truly rewarding to take part in a process of feedback and feedforward in such a positive and safe environment.


The learning effect in this encouraging setting is much greater than when feedback is given only by a manager at fixed moments in the performance management cycle. Also, the Spiegelapp creates extra focus, as the person asking for feedback can point out exactly which competencies, questions and behaviours to address. This ensures that feedback and tips can be put into practice without delay. And thanks to the Spiegelapp’s goals module – combining personal growth ambitions and the objectives of teams and the overall organization – employees never lose sight of the relevant dots on the horizon. Real-time reports can be generated at any given time, which present a crystal-clear visual analysis of their results!


Self-direction, feedback-feedforward and self-knowledge contribute to an inspirational growth culture that perfectly suits an agile, developing organization. 


Learning together
Here’s an example: We recently introduced the Spiegelapp in a group of programme and project managers of one of the larger municipalities in the country. The group’s manager wanted to strengthen the team by developing a learning culture with a high level of self-direction. Requesting and receiving feedback through the Spiegelapp set in motion an inspirational process of professional growth and greatly improved the quality of internal communication. In the evaluation, the manager told us that interviews in the conventional performance management cycle have vastly gained in depth. The programme and project managers are much more proactively involved in the preparation and agenda-setting of these interviews, and they are therefore much more in control. Similar results can be achieved in any organization and at any level. Not all employees will be immediately able to take the lead in the conversation, but with a little help from their managers they will certainly get the hang of it. The exchange of direction and the development of ownership is a learning process. 


Thanks to the Spiegelapp, this municipality’s programme and project managers are learning all the time. Each and every one of them is positive about the freedom the app provides: they are able to ask for or provide feedback at any given time, solicited or unsolicited, and even from the comfort of their home! This makes it much easier, for instance, to share compliments when they are due. Appreciation and rewards – in any shape or form – remain an important incentive to all of us. We’re all just human, after all.


Towards an agile organization
We understand that not all organizations are ready to switch to 100% agility, in which teams and employees are in full control of their goals, activities and development. We would like to stress that regardless of the situation, the Spiegelapp can have clear benefits in embedding a degree of ownership and self-direction on the work floor – without letting go of all organizational parameters, as managers will still be able to establish team competencies or set individual competencies for their employees. Still, the more room employees can have to make their own choices, the greater their commitment and motivation. The better their ideas and achievements. The more impressive their learning and improvement results. 


A coaching and serving style of leadership (which can set organizational goals to provide a clear framework without imposing a fixed route towards those goals) is the style that is best suited to this type of organization. And you know what? It is just this type of leadership that appeals to young, eager employees! 


Striking a fresh balance
In the transitions we support, a fresh balance is struck between individual ownership and ‘imposed’ organizational framework. The outcome will be different for every organization, but we’re always at least a step closer to greater agility, meaning the organization becomes more flexible and future proof, with employees sharing a place at the helm of their own development. Not just for their own benefit, but in order to be able to put their wonderful talents to use for the sake of the world around them. 


Next blog: Big data as a basis for HR and development policies 

The HR work portal – part of the Spiegelapp – offers anonymized data analyses for further development of people and organizations.


Would you like to know more about what the Spiegelapp can mean for self-direction and self-development, along with the transition to a more agile organization?

Call Krista Beilschmidt on +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or +31 (0)6 41 27 30 20 for more information and relevant references in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Krista is an HR consultant, business administrator and organization specialist, and a managing partner of H+C.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/all-hands-at-the-helm [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/20200611_H_C_Spiegelapp_en_zelfregie_afbeelding_roer.jpg [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 198 [date] => 2020-05-19 [title] => A new HR cycle: developing talent in a changing market [subtitle] => [text] =>

As the world around us is changing, the labour market changes accordingly. Positions that are vital today may be obsolete tomorrow. Traditional assessment systems with a single performance interview and a single evaluation are fast becoming outdated, is the conclusion that’s being reached by more and more organizations. How can they inspire employees and make them feel confident that they have the competencies to take up new responsibilities (should their existing positions be dissolved)? How can they know which talents will blossom where? These are some of the questions we are often asked. The answer: renew the HR cycle!


There are many possible ways to develop talent and fill roles and positions. Which makes perfect sense, as we are all unique individuals. The same solution that suits one person fine may be quite unsuited for another. And yet we often see a one-size-fits-all approach, where the focus is on presence, established competencies and expected results. Employees are literally viewed as human resources, to be deployed for optimal efficiency in order to maximize returns. This type of approach leans heavily on generic job descriptions and leaves little room to value the individual. It’s a situation that desperately needs to change.


Focus on roles and value

We are seeing a new way of thinking emerge that favours roles over positions. For instance, younger generations are less inclined to accept 60-hour working weeks and less likely to be concerned with fitting a job profile. Instead, these younger employees are keen to continue their professional growth. They want to shape their roles and activities around the way they see needs change and develop.


Rather than evaluating whether their employees’ performance is ‘in accordance with the job description’, we should learn to appreciate the way each individual adds value on the basis of his or her unique talents. This will enhance both job satisfaction and employee commitment, which in turn will result in improved performance, a good working atmosphere, greater client satisfaction and sustainable deployability.


Traditional methods of performance management simply weren’t designed for this style of fostering talent and establishing potential, and therefore many organizations are looking for better alternatives. When employees can be given the confidence to take responsibility within a certain framework, they will be better able (and more motivated) to take control of their own development. As they strive to fulfil their personal ambitions, they will come up with new ways to realize the goals of their organizations.


Assessing talent to help put the right people in the right place

Optimal deployment of employees usually begins by asking ‘Who should do what?’ and ‘How to define optimal deployment?’. In order to be able to answer these questions, organizations need to define the type of behaviours they wish to see. The next question has to be: ‘How are we going to organize this?’ Still too often, organizations let this process be guided by the letter of their job profiles. Few are likely to deploy people on the basis of their talents and development ambitions. Just look at what happens in the recruitment process, where candidates are selected who tick the most boxes on a list of requirements. But no candidate ever ticks all the boxes, and the partial mismatch inevitably results in a certain amount of friction.


In addition, the person who best fits the profile will in time often be promoted to a better position. That’s because their ability to do well in one position may lead us into believing they must also have the potential to shine in other positions. But in reality, not even the best performance is a guarantee for success in those other positions. For instance, someone can be a highly rated specialist in a specific field but have no managerial skills whatsoever. If such a person were to be promoted into management, no matter how hard he or she tried, it could never be truly successful and eventually everyone involved will be worse off.


Judging talent, the right way

Another remarkable phenomenon is that only 21 per cent of assessments actually reflect people’s work performance, as was shown in the research of Mount, Scullen and Goff. To a large extent, assessments are based on subjective psychological factors, which further adds to the level of misjudgment of employees’ potential. We tend to weigh negative observations more heavily and favour people who behave most like ourselves. For instance, an assessor who has a habit of working late may feel that employees can’t be serious about their work if they are very punctual about clocking off. Even if they are highly efficient and consistently beat their deadlines, their performance may be underestimated simply because we’re not looking at them objectively.


Social innovation, the key to success

If a business aims to be successful and innovative, people are the key factor. This begins with recruitment and continues into retainment and deploying talent in the most suitable positions. We know that it’s important to focus more on talent, and to value roles over job profiles. All of this puts us on a course that calls for a greater degree of self-direction and servant-leadership. The knee-jerk response might be to let go of top-down direction completely, but that would be taking a gamble: commitment could dwindle and goals may no longer be met. But as we’ve seen before, performance management on the basis of established competencies and expected results isn’t the right way forward either. So what is? The answer: social innovation with a renewed HR cycle. This will steer the development towards an effective and future-proof organization. In reality, however, we see a great many organizations who have yet to make this conversion.


Renewed HR cycle

In the new HR cycle, managers and employees enter into a conversation with the shared objective to set the parameters and discuss what the employees want to achieve and develop. How does an employee plan to do this and what does he or she need to make it happen? What can you, the manager, do to help them? Often, employees indicate that they aren’t fully realizing the potential of their skills and their organization isn’t doing enough to put their talents to optimal use. The renewed HR cycle, with its continuous dialogue and its focus on employee talents and opportunities for growth, presents just the framework we need right now. Make sure to sit down with employees periodically at fixed times to discuss progress and see if there is anything you can do for them. Scheduling sit-downs at regular intervals makes them a part of your routine.


Tooling fortifies the renewed HR cycle

The Spiegelapp, our digital development tool for personal and professional growth, helps to organize the HR cycle for optimal deployment of talent. This tool provides the necessary input for performance management interviews, ensuring that topics are highlighted which otherwise might be overlooked. Success is no longer a matter of KPIs and statistics, but of using talents effectively, enhancing motivation and stimulating growth. Which will then result in greater job satisfaction, sustainable deployment and a successful organization. Tooling is not an aim in itself, but it can help drive the renewed HR cycle. With the Spiegelapp, employees define their objectives and the concrete behaviours that are required to realize them. With that in mind, they collect their own real-time data, which will help them explore their (hidden) talents and points for development.


Using the Spiegelapp is a dynamic process which can quickly provide an insight on the basis of objective data. As such, it answers the needs of HR professionals aiming to stimulate behavioural change and gain in-depth knowledge of employees’ potential for growth. Not by projecting potential for future roles from potential for current roles, but by analysing actual performance and frequent mutual reflection. The focus is on looking ahead and asking how employees can do better next time. This will result in improved performance and greater job satisfaction. Talents will be used more effectively.


Would you like to know more about the new approach to performance management?

Call Krista Beilschmidt on +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or +31 (0)6 41 27 30 20 for more information and relevant references in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Krista is an HR-consultant, business administrator and organization specialist, and a managing partner of H+C.



[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/a-new-hr-cycle-developing-talent-in-a-changing-market [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/20200519_H_C_Performance_management_vernieuwde_HR_cyclus_afbeelding_kleiner.jpg [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 196 [date] => 2020-05-15 [title] => ‘If you let go you will have two hands free’ [subtitle] => [text] =>

Family businesses have a lot going for them: high levels of quality and service, committed and satisfied employees, robust results and sound financial buffers. Not all of them are equally successful of course, but on the whole their performance is significantly above average. An important fact to consider in times of corona or other crises! The question, though, is how these strengths can be passed on to a new generation. A transfer of ownership means letting go, and this is never easy. Still, letting go can be intensely liberating.


We support organizations in various kinds of transitions. Reasons to seek a transition vary from the desire to strengthen the organization by scaling it up (or down) to a family’s wish to transfer ownership to a new generation or rearrange ownership ratios. We know the challenges that each type of transition may pose.


In a nutshell, the history of a successful family business goes through three major stages: first, the stage of establishment and initial growth; second, the development of a professional administrative structure; third, the consolidation of the organization. Let’s take a closer look.


Stage 1 – Establishment and growth

Founders of a family business are true entrepreneurs: they are specialists in their field and have a talent for making life easier for their clients. Typically, they are intensely passionate about their business. They are willing to work round the clock, and they have an excellent sense of the needs of their markets. Within a relatively short time they are able to set up their organizations, hire people and grow the business. This combination of expertise and commitment is a key factor for the success of a newly established family business, along with the founder’s direct involvement in every aspect of the day-to-day operations. As the organization continues to grow, the founder will gradually start to transfer responsibilities to employees, while always retaining some level of control.


Stage 2 – Development of a professional structure

At some point in its growth, a family business will reach a point where it has to step up the level of professionalism in order to remain manageable. Often this goes hand in hand with the decision to expand. As the order book fattens and the level of complexity increases, this is often the moment when companies call in our services in support of process optimization and the development of a culture of ownership, awareness and result-orientation. The key questions we help them answer are: What do our clients really need, and what is their perception of the company? What can we do to best meet their needs? What are we doing right and where could we further improve? Together with them we set out a course that will help the organization formulate an answer in response to its chosen market demand. This is the starting point for the transition process. Next, we work closely with the organization to develop a professional structure with all the necessary job profiles, including a clear definition of competencies and targets. For the sake of transparency, we lay down the whole process in writing.


Stage 3 – Consolidation and confrontation

For the children of a founder, the family business is an intrinsic part of their life. Many participate in the operations from an early age. Those who decide to make the business their career may venture out to get an education and gain experience elsewhere. When they return, they bring fresh energy into the organization. However, when this new generation shows a talent for leadership and assumes management positions, tensions may arise. Unlike other members of the organization, they are more likely to speak their minds and oppose traditional family views.


Transferring responsibilities to this new generation poses a unique set of potential challenges. The founder may recognize the need for professionalization and a streamlining of processes, but may be reluctant to give up his involvement in day-to-day operations. If at all possible, he would still be crafting his quality products himself, and also be making personal visits to all his clients. But in a mid-size organization this is simply no longer feasible. At the same time, the new generation claims all the necessary room to operate, but inevitably lacks the level of expertise and the innate qualities that were key to the founder’s success.


Gradually, the realization will dawn that the founder needs to let go of some (or all) of the day-to-day management. Our role in this is to support the organization as well as the family in their establishment of a professional administrative structure. The underpinning principle is that it is imperative to have the right people in the right positions. Day-to-day management doesn’t have to be in the hands of the founding family, but their experience and expertise will at all times play an important role. New structures, new roles for the founder or the founding family, a transfer of ownership to the second or third generation – the steps that characterize this stage can trigger strong emotions, but they are vitally important for further growth.


Multi-track approach

In our Next Level approach, we simultaneously address process optimization, the cultural transition and the transfer of ownership. Successful transitions are guaranteed to add value to the organization. At the same time, we support the family in the transfer process and the establishment of an administrative structure. This way, we transform family businesses into professional, flexible and future-proof organizations in which multiple generations collaborate in an effective manner.


It’s important that founders and their families are prepared to let go and thereby create room for future generations. Perhaps they can take inspiration from this Loesje slogan: ‘If you let go, you’ll have two hands free to seize the future’. Based on our experience, that is absolutely true.


Would you like to know more about H+C, successful transitions in family businesses and the effective collaboration between generations?

Call Henk Hauptmeijer at +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or + 31 (0)6 53 20 6 731
or Rob Noorland
at +31 (0)6 27 17 68 86 for more information and relevant references.



[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/if-you-let-go-you-will-have-two-hands-free [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/20200515_H_C_Blog_familiebedrijven_samenwerkende_generaties_afbeelding_kleiner.jpg [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 194 [date] => 2020-05-12 [title] => The new HR cycle: feedback is a gift [subtitle] => [text] =>

The process of giving and requesting feedback is often experienced as awkward, complicated and time-consuming. And so when the workload requires that choices are made, feedback is often the first thing that is dropped off the list. While at the same time, more and more people are recognizing the value of feedback – provided it’s done the right way. But what is the right way? And there’s even a better way: giving feedforward!


Most people prefer to do the things they are good at and which give them pleasure. In other words: use their talents. Logically speaking, this should be what feedback is all about. When someone is trying to find out what they can do to further develop their talents, feedback and recognition are an important part of the process. Even more so now that we have moved much of our business online and we’re asking employees to change the way they work and show extreme levels of flexibility. However, under pressure of the workload, feedback is easy to lose sight of. And yet, in this online world it is no less important to give employees the feedback they need to continue their development.


The traditional HR cycle

The traditional HR approach, with its cycle of appraisal, target-setting and development interviews, is often focused on role requirements. Managers and employees alike are often uncomfortable with this, which means that instead of improved performance, the process may result in feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction. In conventional talent development, feedback may end up being a one-way conversation that is limited to specific competencies and knows only a single possible outcome, a ‘golden standard’. Pre-determined criteria for employee performance may ensure uniformity, but they leave little room for individuality. This approach is blind to the value of unique talents and the way they can enrich organizational roles. It doesn’t fully appreciate that more creative approaches can be just as successful.


Feedback: focus on strengths, not shortcomings

Rather than highlighting what people have to offer, traditional feedback often focuses on what employees should do to conform to the standard. In this way of thinking, shortcomings are considered to offer the greatest potential for growth. We’ve all seen situations in which managers suggest employees sign up for courses in which to work on their lesser strengths in order to better fit their job descriptions. It’s no surprise that such propositions aren’t met with a great deal of enthusiasm. People are happy to change, but not to be changed. They want to be autonomous and take control of (and responsibility for) their own development.


So the assumption on which traditional performance management is based – people will be keen to self-improve if they are given feedback that points out their shortcomings – is simply incorrect. As tempting as it may be to confront a person with the mess they are making, the true purpose of feedback is enabling people to learn and grow. To make this possible, feedback needs to meet certain criteria. Employees are happy to receive feedback so long as it’s constructive and helps them in their development. It’s important to be aware of the kind of feedback we’re giving and to understand the (psychological and often subconscious) mechanisms of the process. For instance, performance may improve as a result of feedback that highlights people’s strengths and points the way to growth. Feedback based on negative judgment on the other hand may even result in a deterioration of performance. The human brain is apt at ignoring and deflecting negative input, so it’s crucially important that feedback is presented in a positive way. But feedback is a two-way process, and there is also a responsibility for the receiver.


Feedback begins with self-reflection

Projection is one of the things that can distort a learning process. Even though we think we are reflecting on the other person, we may actually be seeing our own shortcomings and projecting our own feelings, qualities and hidden aspirations onto them. It’s very important therefore to always ask ourselves what we’re trying to achieve with our feedback, and if we are actually keeping the interest of the other person at heart. If our intention is to make them aware of how their actions are affecting us and to enable them to learn and grow, this is true feedback. It happens all too often, however, that we use ‘feedback’ to express a sense of annoyance and make the other person change their behaviour. For the receiver of feedback, a simple way to distinguish true feedback from projection is to ask a simple question like ‘What do you expect me to do?’


Growth begins with self-reflection and self-awareness. Self-reflection begins with looking at our own behaviour and asking for feedback in order to better understand ourselves and initiate growth. This is the key to a learning attitude. If we take time to reflect on who we are, what we do and the way we do it, we will be able to give feedback with a very different intention.


Constructive feedback means motivated employees

Constructive feedback strengthens employees’ awareness of the qualities that allow them to achieve their optimal performance. This gives them confidence. It helps them feel positive about themselves and get the most out of their personal qualities and talents. As they are able to build on their strengths, they will be more enthusiastic about their jobs and more confident about their abilities. Overall performance will improve, and absence figures will go down. The final result: people will commit to more ambitious goals, and to achieve these goals they will work harder and more collaboratively.


People who are confident about their abilities are often intrinsically motivated to continuous development. They are optimistic about the future and their opportunities, and therefore likely to set more ambitious goals and more resourceful in finding strategies to reach those goals. When posed with unexpected challenges they take this in their stride, without worrying about possible shortcomings or allowing themselves to be discouraged. If they feel they need help, they are more likely to ask for it. In other words: confident employees are innovative, willing to help each other and ready to seek out new opportunities!


Feedforward: look to the future, not the past

Feedback is a good thing, especially when it’s aimed at creating opportunities for the future rather than looking back at things that went wrong in the past. Negative feedback triggers a response in the brain that is similar to physical pain. This creates fear, and once fear takes hold it can be very persistent. People who are afraid find it much more difficult to be creative, to work collaboratively and to make balanced decisions.

Even better than feedback is feedforward: where the focus is not on employees may have done wrong in the past, but on what they can do differently in the future. It’s about the way employees see their own development. It empowers them to have a maximum say in what to develop and how to develop it (self-direction). This increases their opportunities for future success. Their brains are energized and triggered in more positive ways, which means they are more likely to take action. All of this explains why feedforward is so perfectly suited to a renewed HR cycle.


The Spiegelapp, our interactive tool for talent development, ensures that this type of future-oriented feedback is available at any time, thereby encouraging the continuous development of talent. As a result, organizations will notice that not only are their employees more committed, happier and more productive, they will also see a rise in client satisfaction.


Encourage working from strengths

It’s therefore important to always make time for reflection, even when workloads are heavy or when interaction mainly takes place online. Because good-quality feedback and feedforward will help your organization bring hidden talents to light, improve collaborations and strengthen the organization as a whole.


Would you like to know more about feedforward in a renewed HR cycle?

Call Krista Beilschmidt on +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or +31 (0)6 41 27 30 20 for more information and relevant references in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Krista is an HR-consultant, business administrator and organization specialist, and a managing partner of H+C.



[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/the-new-hr-cycle-feedback-is-a-gift [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/20200512_H_C_Blog_feedback_feedforward_afbeelding_1.jpg [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 192 [date] => 2020-05-07 [title] => Show consistent and transparent leadership in transitions [subtitle] => [text] =>

We all want our organizations to be in perfect shape. Meaning we want them to be customer-oriented, flexible, financially sound, and to have a culture of openness, collaboration and continuous improvement. And so they can, but only if we are willing to put in the work. In any transition, the entire organization pulls together to optimize processes and develop the desired culture. However, management has a key role to play in sustaining the belief in the chosen path. A single deviation from this path, however slight, may risk the entire enterprise going to waste. The thing is, with emotions under pressure such tiny slips are all too common…


At the start of a transition, motivation is high and widely shared. Managers proudly announce that things are about to change for real. They exude confidence and commitment and they lead by example. Employees are enthused and understand the need for change. ‘Organization 2.0’, or whatever name the programme may have, is supported on all levels.  


To the next level

And so it begins. In our approach, we take on process optimization and the cultural transition simultaneously, which means improvements can be achieved in much less time. As soon as strategies and objectives have been decided, we work together with employees to analyze critical processes as well as opportunities for optimizing the response to customer needs (both within and outside of the organization).


In order to achieve the objective – the correct response to customer needs – employees then need to know exactly the part they have to play. This is why we develop compentence-based job descriptions with clearly defined targets. Still, this is no guarantee of success. We also need to see that people are in their optimal positions, in possession of all the right skills and knowledge they need to do their jobs.


All organizations are different when it comes to choosing the tools that enable people to grow professionally. The options we offer include training programmes such as ‘Result-oriented collaboration’, ‘Coaching leadership styles’ and ‘Giving and receiving feedback’. We provide modern methods of performance management, with a vital role for the Spiegelapp, our interactive learning environment for personal and professional growth. Finally, we offer assessments and talent management to help spot talent and make it clear where further development is needed. After all, it’s crucial that employees find the role that allows them to realize their full potential! When the individual blossoms, so does their team and the entire organization.



Meanwhile, the transition may seem to be on a roll, but in reality things are rarely completely straightforward. Change doesn’t come easy to all of us. Some people are comfortable embracing the new, while others prefer their work environment to stay the same. For them, being appointed new roles in new settings, or even being made redundant, can trigger a deeply emotional response. 


As consultants we are well aware of the implications that transitions can have at both the organizational level and that of the individual. Familiar procedures are rewritten and old behaviours have to change. More than ever, it becomes clear which roles are vital, who is best suited to fill a specific position and, above all, who isn’t. This can be quite confronting and we don’t all handle confrontations very well, regardless of our level within the organization. Still, the transition has to happen and this puts a strain on everyone – most specifically on the manager who has set this in motion and has to act as its figurehead.


Clarity and confidence

Historically, in our projects we have sometimes seen transition leaders hesitate to start the transition as planned. They may discouraged by the opinions of others or distracted by issues of the day. Even worse, we have seen some decide to change course after the transition has been set in motion and give up on certain aspects of the plan. All because of the obstacles they may perceive or the sentiments that are present within the organization. As a result, they may send up sorely regretting their missed opportunities.


It is our business to support the people who steer their organizations through the disruption of a transition. We meet with them on a regular basis to keep track of progress and evaluate steps taken. If necessary, we can help them make the necessary adjustments, but always with a clear view of the chosen path and the final objective. We can provide individual (executive) coaching to ensure they can continue to show steadfast and trust-inspiring leadership. Employees will be looking to them for the confidence that helps them deal with the inherent uncertainties of transition.


A key factor of success throughout the transition is communication. From the start, managers have to be absolutely clear about the objective of the transition and communicate this in a way that is clear, understandable and as concrete as possible. Another point of consideration is the informal communication that goes on within the organization, which is often based on opinions and assumptions. When left unadressed, this can have a disruptive impact on the formal process. Countering misconceptions and miscommunications is also the responsibility of transition leaders. It requires them to stay visible and have an open ear for people’s concerns.


The key to success

Inevitably, transitions will encounter some obstacles along the way. Becoming an organization that is professional, agile, future-proof and in every way successful means asking a lot of every individual within that organization. At the same time it is a joy to witness employees finding greater work satisfaction while achieving improved results. It can be very energizing to work more collaboratively and much better meet the needs of a client. This kind of energy can be felt even from a very early stage of the transition, provided the organization takes the right steps and sees them through. As we see it, the person who is responsible for keeping everyone on course – the change manager, transition leader, programme manager or whatever job title they are given – plays a key role in the success of the entire organization.


In short: be open and transparent and always stick to the plan!


Would you like to know more about what H+C and Next Level! can mean for the transition of your organization?

Call Henk Hauptmeijer at +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or  + 31 (0)6 53 20 67 31 or Rob Noorland at +31 (0)6 27 17 68 86 for more information and relevant references.


[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/show-consistent-and-transparent-leadership-in-transitions [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/Bomen.png [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 191 [date] => 2020-03-26 [title] => From crisis to opportunity [subtitle] => [text] =>

It seems like only yesterday that everything was ‘business as usual’ and our lives were safe and comfortable. Then suddenly we were faced with an invisible enemy: the coronavirus. In the chaos and confusion of a crisis such as this one, it’s important that leaders are able to step up to the challenge and inspire people to find their strength.


A crisis is a strong trigger for the irrational part of our brain. We witness the response of those around us and follow the herd. When confusion and uncertainty rule, social pressure grows stronger and stronger. The ‘room on fire’ example is a clear illustration: research has shown that many people won’t leave a room on fire when the majority decides to stay put. The panic buying of recent weeks is another example. Once a first wave of people started piling up products in their shopping carts, others followed. This way, panic buying became a self-fulfilling prophecy. People flocked to their supermarkets, where shelves were soon left empty. And as retailers struggled to restock, the panic continued to spread.


Provide a sense of security and tap into strength

A variety of studies have shown that in times of crisis, leaders tend to tighten the reins and reclaim responsibilities. They may show more controlling behaviour and leave less room for self-direction. Any tendency towards more bottom-up and empowering leadership styles may be the first thing to go out the window. In fact, in the initial stage of a crisis this type of decisiveness is just what we want to see from our leaders. The coronavirus is having a disruptive impact on the entire organization and there is simply too much that is unclear and uncertain. When will we be back to business as usual? How to deal with projects that simply cannot suffer delays? The virus has pushed us straight into the so-called storming phase.


The parameters have changed and we need to find our way in a wholly new and as yet undefined environment. We need to recalibrate our style of working and collaborating, and we look to our leaders to set out a course. New goals need to be clearly communicated, along with the arguments behind them. We want to restore people’s sense of security. By facing our fears and taking action, we can transform fear into a force for the positive. We will see the courage, ownership and creativity that can enable us to steer the organization through troubled waters, under the helmsmanship of a competent leader.


Seizing opportunities

This is not an era of change, but a change of era. And as Darwin observed, the species that survives change is not the one that is the strongest or the most intelligent, but the one that is able to adapt to a new environment. The same is true for organizations. Once the storming phase is over and all the new questions have been answered, new strengths will manifest in alternative ways of working and brand-new solutions. Take restaurants, for instance, where chefs are preparing meals that aren’t served up by waiters, but delivered to people’s homes. Online services are given a massive boost, and many are pleasantly surprised to see that working from home is a serious option after all. To many elderly people, the risk of social isolation turns into an incentive to learn how to use online media. Now they can stay in touch with their grandchildren. And we’re finding that even fitness classes and mental health care can be moved onto online platforms.


Inspirational leadership

The lesson to be learned from all of this is that people are resilient and we are able to quickly adapt to changing circumstances. Show your employees the trust they deserve. If you don’t, and are unable to give up control, you will spark the fear response in their brains and they may go into fight or flight mode. In order to get through this crisis, you want people to tap into their creativity and their ability to innovate. To take ownership and come up with new ways to organize processes and utilize digital tools. Are our systems still up for the demands of our time? Can we see opportunities for change? In this respect, our current situation is a perfect match for the transition that was already happening. Things are just going faster. Organizations will be able to come out stronger of this, so long as they are led by competent leaders who can instil the appropriate emotional and practical mindset.


Would you like to know more?

We are happy to join you in this process. Call us at +31 (0) 70 346 92 05 for more information and relevant references. And of course you can also get in touch by e-mail: info@h-c.nl.


[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/from-crisis-to-opportunity [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/image001.jpg [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 189 [date] => 2020-02-25 [title] => The Spiegelapp connects generations [subtitle] => [text] =>

When the workplace is home to a mix of generations… it can be a challenge! The Spiegelapp is able to bridge this diversity in competencies, communication styles and attitudes to life. It is a digital development tool that enables people and teams to grow together, even when the generation gap would seem unbridgeable.


With Generation Z already finding its way into the labour market, age diversity in the work environment is on the increase. It’s important that those in the oldest group, the baby boomers, share their knowledge and experience with younger colleagues who are eager to learn and develop. This can only happen when both groups understand each other’s preferences and are able to communicate.


Typical generations

Baby boomers tend to be loyal employees with a preference for long-term jobs. They are used to working in hierarchical structures and have an abundance of knowledge and experience. It’s important for organizations that this group shares its expertise and baby boomers are happy to do so. For some of them, digital skills are a weak spot.


The gap between baby boomers and Generation X is rarely an issue. People in this age group are hard workers just like the baby boomers, with a no-nonsense approach and the same sense of hierarchy. The generations behind them, Y and Z, have a very different attitude to life, which is more likely to result in clashes between generations. They show greater flexibility, including in their jobs, but only if it fits their general lifestyle. They prefer four-day weeks while retaining full pay and ‘daddy days’. The work-life balance is their number one priority.


In the eyes of millennials (Generation Y) and the even younger whizz kids of Generation Z, the things that matter are freedom, flexibility and participation. They don’t like long meetings and slow decision-making. They abhor authoritative leadership and top-down management styles. Working hard is not something they do because it’s what the boss wants, but because it’s their own choice. These generations believe the way to learn things is not by following a senior’s example, but by simply doing. Learning is a dynamic and interactive process, and knowledge is acquired at the moment it’s needed. Feedback is part of the process; these younger generations learn from their mistakes. They are flexible and seek out change, for instance by working in different positions, within different departments and in short-term employment.


Learn together

Many organizations expect generations Y and Z to adjust to their existing cultures. But predominantly hierarchical ways of working may result in generational clashes and insufficient use of the talent that is readily available.


For instance, baby boomers may tend to work long hours while younger generations are used to new ways of working and manage their time differently. Open communication about this creates new possibilities, such as the option to work from home. Once the older generation gets used to this idea, it’s something they too can whole heartedly embrace. The younger generations, in turn, won’t mind working longer hours when necessary.


Baby boomers often have highly organized and systematic styles of working. Younger generations may ask more critical questions, forcing organizations to be more reflective. Don’t think of this as criticism and don’t brush them off with platitudes such as ‘this is based on many years of experience’.  Be open to each other’s talents and include the input of younger people in your decisions.


Baby boomers and Generation X can help the younger generations learn to see things in perspective and develop their social skills. In fact, millennials and Generation Z are happy to accept the guidance of experienced colleagues, so long as they feel their voices are heard. Personal contact with managers and senior colleagues can be especially helpful to younger generations as they further develop their soft skills, such as communication and creativity. In their turn, the new generations can help older colleagues expand their digital skills.


The Spiegelapp bridges the gap

The Spiegelapp is an innovative, digital reflection system that brings generations together. Young people grew up with applications such as this one, and research has shown over and over again that older employees are willing to move with the times and expand their digital skills. The Spiegelapp, our interactive learning environment, is perfect for this: it is a low-threshold tool that is inspirational and fun to use! It allows employees to take control of their development as it allows them to decide which competencies within their job description to receive feedback on and from whom. Requests for feedback can be made at any time, making it possible to receive a continuous stream of input from managers, colleagues of all ages and others. The feedback received is laid down in clear reports, and the result can lead to new and valuable insights for personal and professional growth.


Engage in conversation

Asking for feedback and receiving tips for learning via feedforward can take place at individual or team levels or even on the project level. Talents and opportunities for development are brought to the surface, ready to be put to use and taken to the next level, resulting in growth for the individual, the team and the organization as a whole. In addition, the Spiegelapp fulfils the desire of younger generations for regular feedback and swift development. The reflection is an important conversation starter: Which values are important to you and how can you make optimal use of them? How can you and your team utilize the competencies, knowledge and experience of the different generations to ensure that you all grow and succeed together?


Share knowledge and grow

The Spiegelapp is the connecting factor that enables generations to engage in conversation. Older generations are keen to share their lifelong experience and sense of perspective, which makes them perfect as coaches. Younger employees like to receive feedback and coaching to speed up their learning process. The Spiegelapp stimulates the communication between generations with different styles and preferences, thereby opening the door to collaboration and knowledge sharing. As a result, the entire organization will grow.


Curious about our Spiegelapp development tool?

Call Krista Beilschmidt on +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or +31 (0)6 41 27 30 20 for more information and relevant references in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Krista is an HR-consultant, business administrator and organization specialist, and a managing partner of H+C.




[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/the-spiegelapp-connects-generations [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/Organization_2_2.jpg [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 185 [date] => 2019-12-12 [title] => Next Level! for adaptable organizations [subtitle] => [text] =>

Process optimization and behavioural training for a future-proof organization


Organizational development only yields success if approached from two sides: by taking into consideration both people and processes. H+C does just that by using the Next Level! method - an integrated approach to culture transition and process optimization that leads to an effective and efficient organization. It allows us to help our clients achieve their ambitious goals.

The successful and proven methodology steers the transition from ‘profit, process, people’ to ‘people, process, profit’. It is an integrated approach that has been tried and tested in both commercial and not-for-profit sectors for over 25 years and can be used to good effect in any organization. In essence, we teach the organization itself to take control, keep control and continue to optimize.

People: an open culture of cooperation
A first and important source of information is analysing the potential and competences of the employees. What are each individual’s qualities and in which job can these best be put to use? We chart this using our Development Centre, so that the right people take on the appropriate tasks and responsibilities. In addition, we work out development paths to chart each employee’s future prospects.

We ensure any new agreements are set out in competence-based job profiles with clear performance targets. That way, everyone knows exactly what his or her responsibilities are and which results are expected of them. To develop the desired culture and to increase individual awareness and commitment, employees take part in behavioural training courses such as ‘giving and receiving feedback’, ‘results-based cooperation’, ‘coaching style of leadership’ and ‘influence and persuasion’. The training package is compiled in close consultation with the client - Next Level! is bespoke work.

Process: from analysis to optimization
The next step is to identify the critical processes in the organization based on internal and external customer demand. This is done together with the employees in interactive sessions which help to clarify the processes and, as a result, the workings of the organization. This in turn helps employees become more aware of their own role. Important questions that come up in these sessions are: ‘How can we best respond to the customer demand?’ and ‘What are we doing right and where can we improve?’. Using Next Level we jointly determine the best approach for the goals we want to achieve and set performance targets. The processes are then worked out in process models that can be used in practice again and again.

Profit: responding to customer demand and making a profit
Thanks to the comprehensive approach of Next Level! we work closely with the client to create an effective and efficient organization with an open, cooperative culture. An organization that is able to independently achieve its goals by continuing to align with customer demand. An organization that continues to develop and optimize.

Professional support
Naturally we coach managers and employees through this development process. We deploy our tools to enable an accelerated transition to ‘continuous improvement’. Our Spieglapp, for example, is an important support instrument for changing behaviour. This innovative digital reflection system gives employees the tools to direct their own development using online feedback about specific competences. Mutual open communication is essential to effect a change in organizational culture.

What are the benefits of Next Level?

·     An effective organization; better performance

·     An efficient organization; greater profits

·     A high-energy collaborative organization; higher job satisfaction!


Curious about H+C and Next Level!?
Call Henk Hauptmeijer on +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or Rob Noorland on +31 (0)6 2717 6886 for more information and relevant references.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/next-level-for-adaptable-organizations [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/NextLevel_03_Tekengebied_1_3.jpg [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 186 [date] => 2019-12-12 [title] => Insight into competences, managing development [subtitle] => [text] =>

Our feedback system is an important instrument for nurturing talent. The feedback is given online and shows employees which competences need more targeted training. This is also valuable information for our clients, who as employers steer the transition to an effective organization - an organization in which cooperating and taking responsibility are key skills.


Online platform for talent development

We have developed this feedback system, the Spiegelapp (mirroring app), as an interactive learning environment in which staff are given continuous feedback from their manager, colleagues and others involved. There is no need to wait for the traditional performance interviews of the assessment cycle and as a result, the employees’ development is much faster.


Competence development with the Spiegelapp

Staff direct their own development because they themselves decide which competences in their job profile they would like feedback on and from who. The feedback they receive can then be presented in clear reports. The results provide new insights that are of great value to the development interviews with the manager. These interviews subsequently require far less time to prepare because staff members are in control of their own development. And they can work on furthering their development with renewed energy.


Online feedback via handy app

Receiving feedback is essential. This is underlined by the personalized video that employees can add to their feedback request – it acts as an added incentive to the ones giving the feedback. All done using the app of course, quickly and easily and in your organization’s house style. What is more, the app works on any smartphone.


Other practical features:

·       chat feature to share knowledge and experiences with colleagues;

·       interview cycle sends reminders of appointments made from performance management;

·       feedforward and development tips for competences and skills still to be developed.


Insight via the HR portal

HR managers receive anonymized data presented in clear dashboards that provide answers to: How often is the app used? Which app features need to be highlighted? What is the average score on the various competences – organization-wide, for each department or at job level?


When a company is transitioning to a more effective and cooperative organization, managing performance goals and being cooperative are important skills for programme and project managers to have. How they score is shown anonymously in clear graphs in the dashboard and that also illustrates where further training and development is required in line with the organizational objective. As such, the Spiegelapp offers a sound foundation for HR training policy.


HR portal contributes to organizational development

For a report, the HR manager can easily select any graph to be presented automatically in PDF format and used to support presentations aiming to initiate follow-up steps. The Spiegelapp feedback system gets organizations moving in the appropriate way.


Our feedback method encourages:

·       control over the own development

·       insight into and development of talent

·       an open feedback culture

·       full cooperation in merger processes

·       young people to apply for a job or traineeship


Additional benefits of the Spiegelapp:

·       substantive development interviews

·       saves time and costs

·       energetic and productive employees

·       Software as a Service: H+C offers peace of mind


Curious about our Spiegelapp feedback system?

Call Krista Beilschmidt on +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or +31 (0)6 41 27 30 20 for more information and relevant references in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Krista is HR-consultant, business administrator, organization specialist and managing partner of H+C.


[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/insight-into-competences-managing-development [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/Spiegelapp_Tekengebied_1_4.jpg [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 175 [date] => 2019-11-13 [title] => Mirror, mirror on the wall, the fairest insights of them all… thanks to online feedback [subtitle] => [text] =>

In one of the largest municipalities of the Netherlands, programme and project managers are handling ever larger assignments: complex projects with a range of differing interests, large budgets and tough responsibilities. That calls for specific skills and a tight rein. To help them develop their talents, they are asked to look into a mirror…

That mirror is the Spiegelapp (mirroring app): a feedback tool that allows employees to ask for information and comments on their performance and specific competences. The app goes beyond traditional coaching. Of course, we still train managers, professionals and employees. And yes of course, we develop their talents and determine their development potential. But when a pool of high potentials wanted greater self-direction and interim assessments of their development, we took on the challenge to develop a tool that would have not only the required features but that would also be inspiring, accessible and plain fun!

Personalized tool
And so a team of people from a variety of disciplines set to work to build the tool our client needed: an innovative, fun and practical tool with handy features that would really help programme and project managers get set up. The Spiegelapp was born: an online feedback system that – following an extensive testing phase – was introduced to the municipality. Technology, design, safety, protection of personal data, certified hosting – every aspect was carefully considered.

Competence development starts with you, the Spiegelapp is there to help

The Spiegelapp encompasses the organizational competences and those competences inherent to the various job profiles. As an employee, you can ask for targeted feedback on competences specific to your job profile.

Within that same secure environment, you can:

The innovative Spiegelapp offers a range of possibilities and acts as a mirror to help you keep control over your professional development. You can read the feedback on your mobile phone or in clear feedback reports and then discuss it with your manager. Do you want to film your presentation and ask for live feedback? No problem, Spiegelapp makes it possible. Another neat feature in the secured environment is that you can create a group app for a project team or as part of training and managing a specific job group or team.

At the start of this year, the tool went live for a large team of programme and project managers of one of the largest municipalities of the Netherlands.

In-depth development interview
Soon after the kick-off meeting, we received the first positive reports from the manager; the programme and project managers coming to their development interview were well-prepared and had clear insights thanks to the feedback. The manager told us that the interview had become an in-depth dialogue and there was room for coaching. The conversation quickly focused on the real issues and that generated new energy.

‘The added value of the Spiegelapp is great. The development interviews require less of the manager’s time, provide higher quality and puts the accountability where it is supposed to be’

Inspiration and motivation are reflected in energetic and productive staff
The Spiegelapp’s feedback system makes staff more productive and motivated. Take the maintenance mechanic who works on-site during the day. He no longer has to sit at his computer in the evenings but can now ask for feedback on his performance via his mobile phone at any time of the day. He gets immediate feedback and can download a report instantly. The feedback gives him insight into his specific behaviour and how others see him. Specific behaviour examples help him recognize his talent and show him where he can develop further.

‘The Spiegelapp prompts employees to become aware of their development and offers managers leads for coaching-based development interviews’

The Spiegelapp provides higher quality interviews and saves on costs
Thanks to the Spiegelapp, the development interview between staff member and manager gains in substance and focuses on the skills required in a specific job. The feedback report acts as a starting point for the interview and the interview consequently requires less preparation time from the manager. As the staff member is the owner of his development, it is easier for the manager to conduct the interview. During the interview, the 360 degree feedback provided by the employee’s working relationships can be discussed leaving the manager free to focus on a coaching style of management.

‘The Spiegelapp offers greater quality of interviews and saves time for managers. The useful feedback report saves costs’

H+C support for excellent organizations
Our clients are always looking for the best solutions. We contribute by offering a comprehensive approach combined with effective tools such as the Spiegelapp. For over 25 years, clients have expected us to develop excellent organizations and we aim to live up to those expectations. That is why we also take a regular look in the mirror ….

Krista Beilschmidt,
H+C managing partner


[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/spiegeltje-spiegeltje-aan-de-wand-mooie-inzichten-dankzij-online-feedback [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/sRGB_Stockfoto_H_C_Spiegelapp.jpg [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 176 [date] => 2019-11-13 [title] => The Spiegelapp and Business Intelligence [subtitle] => [text] =>

The Spiegelapp is a secure, customized, business software application for developing talent and improving joint performance. The tool generates a continuous stream of anonymous data which creates a realistic picture of the organization’s need for development and training. In addition, the feedback system supports HR training policy. Based on the information provided by the app, management can take appropriate strategic decisions and chart the course of the organization.

‘Spiegelapp: online platform for talent development and work portal for HR and management’

Spiegelapp = SaaS = H+C makes life easier!

Companies are increasingly using Software as a Service (SaaS). Take Gmail, for example, or Microsoft Office, which can be operated from the web browser. One benefit of SaaS is that you don’t have to worry about updating, maintaining or renewing the software, because the supplier does that – in this case Google or Microsoft. It is about the service, not the software.

Similarly, the Spiegelapp deals with all our clients’ worries. Organizations do not want to ask themselves if the Spiegelapp is safe, if it is working properly or if it needs maintenance. We take care of all that and that is one less worry. Updates, new developments in the feedback system, security, pen tests …  that is our responsibility and we develop the system continuously.

We are organization changers and experts in the field of process optimization, behavioural change and talent development. It is important to us to contribute ideas and offer our clients high-quality service. 

Our feedback method encourages:

·       insight into and development of talent

·       an open feedback culture

·       full cooperation in merger processes

·       young people to apply for a job or traineeship 

Benefits of the Spiegelapp:

·       substantive development interviews

·       saves time and costs

·       energetic and productive employees

·       Software as a Service: H+C offers peace of mind

[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/the-spiegelapp-and-business-intelligence [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/DSC_3857_aangepast.jpg [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 173 [date] => 2019-07-16 [title] => Successful implementation H+C Spiegelapp – continuous learning and goal attainment [subtitle] => [text] =>

We have done the kick-off and completed the security – the first copies of the Spiegelapp (mirroring app) proudly feature on the smartphone screens of our clients’ employees. Thanks to this new tool provided by H+C, these employees are now actively involved in their professional growth. The first evaluations are positive: direct online feedback results in continuous personal and professional development. Company goals are now within reach.


In traditional assessment cycles, performance interviews are only held a few times a year. They have a tendency to be rather one-way with a focus on shortcomings, which is unlikely to help employees to perform better. The H+C Spiegelapp, however, gives employees instant feedback from their managers, colleagues and selected others. No more long waits between scheduled interviews in the assessment cycle – the app triggers fast development in a way that hugely increases job satisfaction.



The essence of the online tool is self-direction. Using the feedback feature, employees can decide which competencies they would like feedback on and from who they would like to receive this feedback. In traditional planning, progress and assessment interviews, any agreements on personal development are usually imposed by the manager rather than initiated by the employee. Nowadays, with the flexible ‘new way of working’ becoming ever popular and structures changing more rapidly, there is a greater demand for interactive learning environments. The H+C Spiegelapp meets that need.


Personalized Spiegelapp

The H+C Spiegelapp is a developmental tool tailored to the user. Employees can add a personal video clip to present their objectives for personal and professional growth. That way the person providing feedback has a clear understanding of what motivates the employee. In turn, the employee can respond directly, using the handy dialogue feature, to the feedback provided, for example by asking for a specific explanation. And the app instantly makes results available in easy-to-read graphs and feedback reports. These and many other practical features make the Spiegelapp accessible, user-friendly and a lot of fun!


The H+C Spiegelapp is available as web application and as app on any smartphone. The design can be customized to fit your organization’s house style. Naturally, the app is also secure against unwanted access. This personal development tool regularly provides the employee with new insights, earning it an important place in professional performance management.


Static reports in neatly arranged dashboards offer HR managers an anonymized view at the use (and the results) at job level of the mirroring app. Automatic alerts keep them up to date on new developments, so that they can make adjustments necessary to support the organization’s transition. The hands-on experts of H+C are glad to offer specific advice in this respect.


Would you like to know more about the H+C Spiegelapp for effective collaborative organizations?


Call Krista Beilschmidt on +31 70 346 92 05 or +31 6 41 27 30 20 for more information and relevant references in the profit and non-profit sectors. Krista is an HR consultant, a business administrator, an organization specialist, and managing partner in H+C.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/successful-implementation-hc-spiegelapp---continuous-learning-and-goal-attainment [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/DSC_3979_2__3.jpg [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 169 [date] => 2019-07-11 [title] => Fast forward to a robustly structured family business [subtitle] => [text] =>

In most family-run businesses, enthusiasm and loyalty are in ample supply. But their informal cultures can sometimes prove an obstacle to continued growth with business processes becoming increasingly complex. H+C guided a medium-sized transport company to a professional structure in six months.


The transport company’s 200 plus staff work well together and are loyal to both the company and the family. There is a willingness to work hard, particularly at peak times. The SME has a sound reputation in the market, which is apparent from a growing demand for their transport services. Managing that well requires an adjustment to the organization, a natural process in family-run businesses. This one was led by H+C.


Market alignment

Analysis showed that the informal structure led to confusion about responsibility and agreements. In the past, short communication lines had been effective but the business processes had become too complex. Underlying the internal transition was the question: what are the customer demands of the transport company and how can the organization respond to those effectively?


Parallel approach

We handled the transition to an effective collaborative organization in a multipronged approach by tackling organization, HR and marketing policies. We drew up a detailed action plan listing all necessary steps including planning. One essential condition for this transport company was that the transition had to be completed before the peak season. That meant an implementation period of just six months, which was feasible thanks to a parallel approach.


We then got to work: adjusting the organizational structure, optimizing and recording processes, training the management team and organizing assessments for managers and key officers to identify their skills and development potential. We also built a modern job classification system with corresponding structured assessment cycle. To aid perception in the market, we applied for sector certifications confirming the quality of the adapted processes.


Effective collaborative organization

Competencies-based job profiles that include specific agreements on results and behaviour indicators make clear who is responsible for what and to who they are held to account. It is also clear which results are expected from everyone. With our help, this fine family-run business developed into a professional, effective collaborative organization equipped to better serve the market. The admirable family culture still plays a significant role in the new organization.


Extra tools

Change processes such as this one require even more expertise. Our talent management programme brings to light the employees’ talents, which can be far more useful for the organization when employed in the right positions. Using individual coaching sessions we promote personal and professional growth. A characteristic of family businesses is the emotional component. So to prevent any tension in the relationships between family members, we can, if desired, help the family involved to make clear agreements which are subsequently set down in a covenant. Our approach is people-driven and committed – we look to the future with respect for a past with which the owner/founder feels so connected.


Fast transition

We always start at the base. Once the organizational processes are in place and the joint core values and goals have been determined, we can build an effective collaborative organization able to realize its expansion strategy. By setting up a robust structure and rolling it out immediately, H+C is able to achieve fast and proficient implementation, suited to the dynamic of SMEs such as this transport business. That kind of transition is a wonderful process. 


Would you like to know more about transition processes and support of family-run businesses?

Call Henk Hauptmeijer on +31 70 346 92 05 or +31 6 53 20 67 31 for more information and relevant references in the profit and non-profit sectors. Henk is a strategic consultant, a business administrator, organization specialist and founder of H+C.


[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/fast-forward-to-a-robustly-structured-family-business [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/Knipsel_vrachtwagen_1.png [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 171 [date] => 2019-02-04 [title] => Insight in the talents of professionals and teams [subtitle] => [text] =>

The right person in the right place, that’s important. But an effective organization requires more: results-based collaboration. At the H+C Development Centre we get to work with teams to gain an insight into their talents. We also set specific individual and joint goals appropriate to company strategy.


In inspiring half-day sessions at our Development Centre, we offer a combination of development assessment, training and inspirational sessions to get the most from an employee and a team. At both individual and group level, that leads to a deeper understanding of the competencies for effective collaboration. In addition, we also make agreements on specific result goals. We produce clear reports in which we set out our advice on development and careers and make suggestions about recommended training or coaching sessions. We always work respectfully and with a feel for governing relationships. Development assessments are important tools to help you obtain your company objectives.


Our portfolio contains various evaluation tools ranging from selection, career and management development/High Potential assessments to TOP assessment/ Leading Innovation assessment. These are all based on scientific research and can be used individually and for groups. 


We have selected our psychologists on their people-oriented and results-based skills. They work according to the code of conduct of the Dutch Association of Psychologist (NIP) and are accredited for the Insights Discovery and Management Drives methodologies.


Would you like to know more about the H+C Development Centre and our assessments?

Call Henk Hauptmeijer on number +31 70 346 92 05 or +31 6 53 20 67 31 for more information and relevant references in the profit and non-profit sectors. Henk is a strategic consultant, business administrator, organization specialist and founder of H+C.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/insight-in-the-talents-of-professionals-and-teams [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/annie_spratt_hCb3lIB8L8E_unsplash_bewerkt.jpg [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 166 [date] => 2018-06-28 [title] => Tailor-made training and targeted assessments [subtitle] => [text] =>

No two transition programmes are ever the same. Each of our clients deserves a tailored solution to improve the performance of their teams. Effective collaboration is always the destination, but the road towards it is always unique. Our strength is being able to adjust quickly and flexibly. For our client in the super yacht industry we developed a unique programme of competency training and Development Centers for result-oriented collaboration, while the solution for a school board lay in targeted development assessments. We are able to quickly and effectively choose our tools and our finest professionals for the sake of your organization.


Tailor-made training

One of the divisions of our client in the super yacht industry had its own specific development issue in relation to the company’s transition process. In order to improve internal processes we developed three training modules for employees and managers. The theme of module 1 was ‘giving and receiving feedback’. Module 2 was about the competency ‘collaboration’ and module 3 about ‘ownership’. All three modules focused mainly on concrete, result-oriented behaviour linked to the primary (customer) process, so that employees could get a clear understanding of what is expected from them. Managers were given additional tools to optimize the processes that fall within their responsibility. Among the key topics that were highlighted during the training were process architecture and process optimization. In a transition that is still ongoing, these were a few very important steps. At the same time, improvements were implemented that greatly shortened the improvement process.


In a successful organization, clear job profiles with precisely formulated objectives and competencies, translated into concrete results and desired behaviour, are an integral part of professional performance management. Together with this same client’s HR manager we developed a set of transition competencies. 


Targeted assessments

In order to fill various vacant positions, the board of a secondary school wanted to quickly and efficiently identify the right talent among its vice principals and department heads. We were able to respond swiftly and within two weeks develop competency-driven job profiles and a development assessment to identify the competencies, talents and growth potential of the individuals in question. The result: a tailor-made solution for the department heads, vice principals and the school board, complete with valuable reports and tips for development. In addition to helping candidates find their optimal development path, the assessment enabled the board to match talent and the outstanding vacancies. 


Would you like to know more about our tailored training and targeted assessments? 

Call Henk Hauptmeijer directly on +31 (0) 70 34 69 205 or +31 (0) 6 53 20 67 31 

or call Krista Beilschmidt directly on +31 (0) 70 34 69 205 or +31 (0) 6 41 27 30 20

for more details and relevant references in the profit and non-profit sectors. 


Henk is a strategy consultant, a business administrator and an organization specialist, and also the founder of H+C.

Krista is an HR-consultant, a business administrator, an organization specialist, and a business partner in H+C.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/tailor-made-training-and-targeted-assessments [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/nathan_dumlao_ne3qiwViW3A_unsplash_bewerkt.jpg [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 165 [date] => 2018-06-25 [title] => Job profiles: standard document or an effective management tool? [subtitle] => [text] =>

Can team results be improved by job profiles? Yes, they can! In our transition and improvement programmes, job profiles are the translation of organizational objectives into personal goals, in which relevant competencies are translated into concrete results and desired behaviour. An accurate message clears the way for more precise management and creates room for development – just the thing that can take an organization to the next level.

Result-oriented job profiles are key in our project for one of the major cities in the Dutch Randstad region aimed at improving the management of their professional pool of programme and project managers. These organizational wizards carry large-scale projects that may involve integral policy development, sizeable budgets and numerous stakeholders. But what exactly is expected of them? It’s our job to make this clear and strengthen the group, which is why we evaluated the job profiles together with these managers in a series of inspirational sessions. The result: individual targets and competencies translated into results and behaviours and a clear outlook on career paths. Points of development have been defined, and the enthusiastic managers are set to go. A satisfied municipality sees its pool of programme and project managers fast approaching the desired levels.

Performance management

Clearly detailed documents such as these smoothen the communication between management and employees, as they make clear what is expected from employees, along with their possibilities for growth and improvement. Result-oriented job profiles combined with regular target, performance and appraisal interviews and clearly defined development and career paths form a coherent system that underlies our powerful performance management programme. Together with our clients we build effective collaborative organizations with better team performance and lower costs. 

Development tool

Employees are able to take charge of their own personal and professional growth with H&C’s Spiegelapp (mirroring app). This app is a tailored 360° feedback tool that is fully integrated with an organization’s performance management cycle. It is also an effective e-learning environment. With online functionality such as 360° feedback, a development assessment that serves as a baseline measurement, e-coaching, chatting and an interview diary, the app enables employees to take charge of their own development. The easy-to-use app can be personalized with pictures, videos and personal slogans. This makes the app a successful development tool and an important starting point for performance and appraisal interviews with their managers. With Spiegelapp we further improve the effectiveness of performance management.

Effective assessments

Assessments are the other ace up our sleeve in the identification of employees’ competencies, talents and opportunities for growth. The insight gained helps organizations to put the right people in the right positions. Assessments are an important colour on our palette of training, coaching and talent management that helps teams to focus on effective collaboration and organizations to become more effective. 

Would you like to know more about result-oriented job profiles, effective collaborative organizations and the H+C Spiegelapp?

Call Krista Beilschmidt directly on +31 (0) 70 34 69 205 or +31 (0) 6 41 27 30 20 for more details and relevant references in the profit and non-profit sectors. Krista is an HR-consultant, a business administrator, an organization specialist, and a business partner in H+C.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/job-profiles-standard-document-or-an-effective-management-tool [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/dylan_gillis_KdeqA3aTnBY_unsplash_0_bewerkt.jpg [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 155 [date] => 2018-04-05 [title] => Sustainable transition in the super yacht industry: coupling behaviour development to process optimization [subtitle] => [text] =>

Our client, who is active in the construction of super yachts, is facing a major challenge: How to meet the market demand for unwaveringly high professional quality while at the same time doubling the size of the organization? Expansion is a necessity, as both the order book and the complexity of builds continue to grow. The direction that development needs to take is towards ‘lean’ collaboration in multidisciplinary teams. We are supporting our client in the transition, with the ultimate aim of enabling them to continue independently as an effective collaborative organization.

Performance standards in the construction of super yachts are extremely high. Products come at premium prices and clients rightly expect nothing but the best. In this segment of ship construction only the fittest can survive. The bar is high, not just for our client but also for us, as operational excellence is the norm. Transition management requires a strategic, tactical and operational approach that builds on our full professional expertise, working with our top professionals and utilizing our finest tools. We work closely together with our client, in a true partner alliance.

Mapping the organization
Our first step is to analyse the organization and its stakeholders. What do clients expect and how do clients and partners view the organization? And looking from within, what is the perception of executives and employees? Together we create a nautical map. First we analyse our way in from the outside, next we develop our way out from the inside to meet the demand in the market that the organization wants to focus on. This forms the basis for the transition.

Power sources
In our development plan we balance the process and the human factor. This means we aim for a ‘flat’ organization, with all the necessary talent in the right positions.

We advise the board about targeted strategies and support management in the translation into concrete divisional plans.

Our assessments bring the true talents to the surface, and through recruitment and selection we bring new talent into the organization. Our talent management ensures that the right people end up in the right positions. In our own special Development Centre employees learn to collaborate in a result-oriented manner.

Together with our client we build a competency-based job classification system with clear job profiles and career paths, in which concrete performance standards are set, monitored and guaranteed at the level of the individual. All for the sake of clarity. If necessary, we can bring in an experienced HR interim manager to develop a strategic HR policy in accordance with the goals of the organization.

We help managers to develop the competencies they need to be result-oriented and inspirational leaders in an effective collaborative organization. The tools we have available to this end include individual coaching and a 360° feedback app. All our tools are carefully selected from what’s available in the market or developed specifically as part of a tailored solution.

Future proof
Managing change is always about behaviour in relation to results. This is why we work in close consultation with our clients in building a culture of collaboration and in optimizing their processes. When all involved are in agreement about the importance of an effective collaborative organization and all are willing to work together in a transparent manner, this opens the way to results that sometimes our clients would never have imagined possible. This specific client, a leading player in the super yacht industry, has come a long way already. We are fully confident that the organization will soon be able to take the helm again and meet its challenges in the long and short term with the highest possible standard in products and services.

Would you like to know more about transition management and our power sources?

Call Henk Hauptmeijer directly on +31 (0) 6 53 20 67 31 for more detailed information and relevant references in the private sector. Henk is a strategy consultant, a business administrator and an organization specialist, and also the founder of H+C.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/projects/sustainable-transition-in-the-super-yacht-industry-coupling-behaviour-development-to-process-optimization [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/ISS_3443_01236.jpg [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [template] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 15 [title] => Projects [file] => templates/1/projects.php [root] => /templates/1 [path] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/templates/1 [settings] => ) [website] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [title] => Hauptmeijer & Clotscher [url] => https://h-c.nl/ [base] => /en-US/ [default_language] => nl-NL [analytics] => UA-113364692-1 [style_id] => [style_class] => [logo] => [slogan] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/websites/screenshot//var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/websites/screenshot/slogan_purple.svg [headTitle] => H+C [metaKeywords] => Hauptmeijer & Clotscher, maatwerk, organisatiemanagement, transitiemanagement, talentmanagement, assessment, training, coaching [metaDescription] => Maatwerk met organisatiemanagement, transitiemanagement, talentmanagement, assessment, training en coaching ) [languages] => Array ( [nl-NL] => Array ( [id] => 1 [code] => nl-NL [language] => NL [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/nl.gif [sort] => 1 ) [en-US] => Array ( [id] => 4 [code] => en-US [language] => EN [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/en.gif [sort] => 2 ) [de-DE] => Array ( [id] => 5 [code] => de-DE [language] => DE [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/de.png [sort] => 3 ) ) [microtime] => 1740262793.0428 [db] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => -1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: b5c5906d452ec590732a93b051f3827e02749b83 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 6 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.0.38-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [server_version] => 50505 [stat] => Uptime: 9919146 Threads: 14 Questions: 1079324423 Slow queries: 56098 Opens: 87161077 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 400 Queries per second avg: 108.812 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 7375517 [warning_count] => 0 ) [user] => stdClass Object ( [preferedLanguage] => ) [events] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [title] => HR Live online: hét online kennis- en netwerkevent voor HR. [alias] => seminar-spiegelapp [date] => 2021-01-21 09:00:00 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2 [title] => HR Live: hét online kennis- en netwerkevent voor HR in de Fokker Terminal [alias] => hr-live [date] => 2021-05-20 00:00:00 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 3 [title] => Spiegelapp Vragenuur [alias] => interesse-in-een-vragenuur [date] => 2021-01-22 13:00:00 ) ) )