Top-level professionals

Interesting challenges

We carefully select our professionals and support them as they consistently deliver excellence.

Do you have a background in business administration, HR and/or psychology? Do you have what it takes to add value in complex organizational and transitional processes? Do you have the drive to put your expertise and experience to work in assessments, training or coaching programmes for high-level professionals? 

If the answer is ‘yes’, we would love to get to know you better. Send your CV and motivation to


We are always looking for:

H+C's power sources

+    Organization management

+    Transition management

+    Talent management

+    Assessment

+    Training

+    Coaching

H+C's qualities

  • +


  • +


  • +


  • +


  • +

    Focus on results

  • +


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We carefully select our professionals and support them as they consistently deliver excellence.

Do you have a background in business administration, HR and/or psychology? Do you have what it takes to add value in complex organizational and transitional processes? Do you have the drive to put your expertise and experience to work in assessments, training or coaching programmes for high-level professionals? 

If the answer is ‘yes’, we would love to get to know you better. Send your CV and motivation to

) ) ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 212 [number_of_cells] => 1 [style_id] => vacaturefirstblock [style_class] => smallblock [cells] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 256 [title] => [content_type] => website_type_text [style_id] => [style_class] => [data] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 176 [title] => Vacancies [text] =>

We are always looking for:

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