Full control over continuous optimization

Next Level! for flexible organizations

Building a flexible organization with Next Level!

The development of an organization can only be successful if behavioural training and process optimization go hand in hand. Next Level! is the tool to make this possible. The result: an organization that leverages continuous improvement and self-direction for its employees to achieve its ambitious objectives.


People: an open culture of collaboration

In our Development Centre we spot talent and develop growth paths to unlock a perspective for the future. Tailor-made training programmes ensure the creation of a culture that meets your requirements. Next Level! is always made to measure!


Process: from analysis to optimization

In consultation with your employees we chart the processes that are critical in meeting internal and external client requirements. Together we apply Next Level! to design the optimum approach to translating your organization’s objectives in concrete results.


Profit: achieving profits with people and processes

The integral approach of processes and behaviours in Next Level! ensures an effective and efficient organization with a collaborative culture. An organization that is capable of continuous improvement while autonomously achieving sustainable profitability.


Expert support

We support organizations as they take the fast track from ‘profit, process, people’ to ‘people, process, profit’. The tools we have available are powerful, such as the Spiegelapp, a digital tool for behavioural change. This innovative feedback system helps employees take their development forward on the basis of online feedback on specific competencies. Besides the app we offer tailor-made assessments, training and coaching wherever they can speed up the transition.


Next Level! is founded in more than 25 years’ experience in the profit and non-profit sectors and can be applied to organizations in any industry. With Next Level!, continuous improvement and employee self-direction help maintain the sparkle in an organization and keep it ready for the future.


H+C's power sources

+    Organization management

+    Transition management

+    Talent management

+    Assessment

+    Training

+    Coaching

H+C's qualities

  • +


  • +


  • +


  • +


  • +

    Focus on results

  • +


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Building a flexible organization with Next Level!

The development of an organization can only be successful if behavioural training and process optimization go hand in hand. Next Level! is the tool to make this possible. The result: an organization that leverages continuous improvement and self-direction for its employees to achieve its ambitious objectives.


People: an open culture of collaboration

In our Development Centre we spot talent and develop growth paths to unlock a perspective for the future. Tailor-made training programmes ensure the creation of a culture that meets your requirements. Next Level! is always made to measure!


Process: from analysis to optimization

In consultation with your employees we chart the processes that are critical in meeting internal and external client requirements. Together we apply Next Level! to design the optimum approach to translating your organization’s objectives in concrete results.


Profit: achieving profits with people and processes

The integral approach of processes and behaviours in Next Level! ensures an effective and efficient organization with a collaborative culture. An organization that is capable of continuous improvement while autonomously achieving sustainable profitability.


Expert support

We support organizations as they take the fast track from ‘profit, process, people’ to ‘people, process, profit’. The tools we have available are powerful, such as the Spiegelapp, a digital tool for behavioural change. This innovative feedback system helps employees take their development forward on the basis of online feedback on specific competencies. Besides the app we offer tailor-made assessments, training and coaching wherever they can speed up the transition.


Next Level! is founded in more than 25 years’ experience in the profit and non-profit sectors and can be applied to organizations in any industry. With Next Level!, continuous improvement and employee self-direction help maintain the sparkle in an organization and keep it ready for the future.


) ) ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 246 [number_of_cells] => 1 [style_id] => sterkeverhalen [style_class] => smallblock [cells] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 291 [title] => [content_type] => website_type_news [style_id] => [style_class] => [data] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 280 [date] => 2020-12-09 [title] => De transitie van Van Zaal Transport naar een toekomstbestendige organisatie [subtitle] => [text] =>

Het begon in 1996 met één vrachtwagen. Sindsdien is Van Zaal Transport uitgegroeid tot een succesvolle aanbieder van logistieke diensten, warehousing en bedrijfsruimteverhuur in het segment van sierteelt. In het hoogseizoen telt het bedrijf in het Noord-Hollandse De Kwakel 180 medewerkers en 150 vrachtauto’s. Een heldere structuur is nodig om de steeds complexere bedrijfsprocessen goed aan te sturen. Oprichter/eigenaar Merijn van Zaal stapte onder leiding van H+C het Next Level-traject in. De vernieuwde organisatie is nu klaar voor de toekomst en de overname door Floriway komt dan ook als een logische stap. 

Buiten het hoogseizoen rijdt Van Zaal Transport met 70 eigen vrachtauto’s en de vaste kern bestaat dan uit 120 medewerkers. “De grootste stroom is het transport voor kwekers naar verschillende veilingen. Daar worden hun planten en bloemen geveild of rechtstreeks aan exporteurs verhandeld. Toen ik 25 jaar geleden begon, leverden kwekers aan de veiling in de buurt en was sprake van een eerste voorzichtige spreiding. Maar dan schakelden ze verschillende transporteurs in. Wij boden aan alles op te halen en op verschillende plekken af te leveren. Dat zette een vliegwiel in gang.” De groei van Van Zaal ging daarna hard.

Uitbreiding van activiteiten

Na de verhuizing naar het grote pand aan De Poelweg in De Kwakel werd de overruimte ingericht voor warehousing en verhuur van bedrijfsruimten. Van Zaal Transport begon ook met de landelijke distributie voor exporteurs, tuincentra, distributiecentra en groothandels in Nederland, België en delen van Duitsland. Merijn: “We verzamelen en groeperen de ladingen op onze zeven vestigingen om alles met volle vrachtwagens efficiënt uit te rijden. Steeds meer taken zijn we van de exporteurs gaan overnemen, dat had nog niet eerder iemand gedaan. We regelen en controleren alles tot de producten goed op hun eindbestemming zijn aangekomen. Het klinkt als een cliché, maar wij hebben echt oog voor wat onze klanten allemaal moeten doen en waaraan ze behoefte hebben. Door daarop steeds in te spelen, groeien we maar door.”

Aanleiding voor verandering

In 2018 besefte Merijn dat de toenmalige organisatiestructuur niet langer voldeed. De veelheid aan activiteiten, waarbij hij zo intensief betrokken was, eisten hem teveel op. “We hebben de nachthandel die vóór 4 uur ’s nachts op de veiling is en de daghandel die vóór 16.00 uur op de veiling is. De landelijke distributie gaat 24 uur per dag door. Tot ’s avonds laat las ik alle e-mails en ’s nachts werd ik als eerste gebeld als er iets aan de hand was. Dat hield ik niet langer vol. Door mijn accountant kwam ik op het spoor van organisatieadviesbureau H+C. Een van hun adviseurs ging in gesprek met mij en betrokken familieleden om de achtergronden van het bedrijf en de toenmalige situatie goed te begrijpen.”

Meersporenaanpak voor snel resultaat

De noodzaak voor een verbetertraject werd onderkend en daarom werd een transitie met Next Level in gang gezet. De omvorming van het hectische familiebedrijf tot een professionele, toekomstbestendige organisatie kon echter niet worden gecombineerd met de piek tussen half februari en eind juni. Next Level loopt echter op meerdere sporen tegelijk en daardoor was een periode van zes maanden haalbaar.

De juiste persoon op de juiste plek

“Wat volgde waren assessments, aanpassingen in de organisatiestructuur en procesoptimalisatie. Al onze leidinggevenden ondergingen een assessment, waar ze heel positief en met nieuwsgierigheid tegenover stonden. De profielen die daaruit voortkwamen hebben we tegen de functies gelegd en toen bleken hier en daar gaten te zitten. We zijn doeners en niet iedereen past in de leidinggevende rol op basis van ervaring. Die conclusie leidde tot verschuivingen en een enkele uitdiensttreding. Samen met H+C heb ik de gesprekken met alle betrokkenen gevoerd en dat was voor mij een openbaring.”

In een conferentie over de toekomst hebben Van Zaal en H+C gezamenlijk een SWOT-analyse gedaan en de uitkomsten vertaald in competenties voor de nieuwe functieprofielen.

Merijn van Zaal: “We hebben een nieuw organigram uitgewerkt en sleutelfunctionarissen zijn op de juiste plek terechtgekomen. Functies zijn opgesplitst en taken liggen nu daar waar ze horen. Dat kan ook omdat we daarvoor groot genoeg zijn. Het is duidelijker wie waarvoor verantwoordelijk is. Inmiddels hebben we een nieuwe transportmanager aangetrokken om de overall manager te ontlasten.”

Processen op orde

De procesadviseur van H+C diepte met management en sleutelfunctionarissen de processen uit. Merijn: “Wij waren zelf in een half uurtje klaar, maar hij dwong ons met zijn vragen over alle stappen na te denken. Toen waren we 4 uur verder. Processen zijn uitgediept, uitgewerkt en verbeterd en dat was een gouden greep. Ik wist wel dat hier en daar iets niet helemaal liep, maar de impact had ik onderschat. Zo vinken we nu na elke rit in ons systeem af of alles klopt, dat is zo belangrijk! We regelen het aan de voorkant gelijk goed.”

Met Next Level naar een toekomstbestendige organisatie

”Van Zaal Transport was al een gezond bedrijf, maar nu zijn we veel professioneler geworden en in staat om toekomstige groei op te vangen. Al na zes maanden, vlak voor het hoogseizoen in 2019, hadden we de organisatie veel beter op de rit. Ik vond het een fantastisch traject waarvan ik veel heb geleerd. Ook mijn mensen stonden open voor deze transitie, omdat ze begrepen dat we niet op dezelfde voet verder konden gaan. Dat hadden we tijdens de pieken al meerdere keren tegen elkaar gezegd maar niet kunnen doorzetten. Voor een professionalseringsslag hadden we externe hulp nodig.”

“De samenwerking met H+C heeft mij en het bedrijf veel opgeleverd. Hun adviseurs hebben de gave om je te laten praten en hebben me leeggetrokken met inhoudelijk sterke vragen. Daardoor begrepen ze goed hoe onze business werkt. De plannen waren afgestemd op onze organisatie en onze sector en kwamen niet zomaar uit een theorieboekje. Af en toe gaf ik de grenzen van onze mogelijkheden aan. We schakelden goed samen met een succesvol resultaat. We blijven de klant bedienen zoals ik voor ogen heb en ik kan nu meer afstand tot de processen houden. Daar moet je wel even doorheen, maar daardoor heb ik persoonlijk meer rust. Ik heb mijn doel bereikt.”

Overname door Floriway

Van Zaal Transport is klaar voor de toekomst en dat is bevestigd met de recente overname door Floriway, met Royal FloraHolland als grootaandeelhouder. Een mooie bekroning op het werk van de prachtige, klantgerichte transportonderneming en op de effectieve samenwerking tussen Van Zaal Transport en H+C.

Meer weten over H+C en Next Level voor organisatietransities?

Bel Henk Hauptmeijer op nummer 070-346 92 05 of 06-53 20 67 31 of Rob Noorland op nummer 06-27 17 68 86 voor meer informatie en relevante referenties.  

[link] => [url] => /en-US/next-level/de-transitie-van-van-zaal-transport-naar-een-toekomstbestendige-organisatie-2 [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/VanZaal_DSC_0021_1.jpg [type] => News [head_title] => De transitie van Van Zaal Transport naar een toekomstbestendige organisatie [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 197 [date] => 2020-05-15 [title] => ‘If you let go you will have two hands free’ [subtitle] => [text] =>

Family businesses have a lot going for them: high levels of quality and service, committed and satisfied employees, robust results and sound financial buffers. Not all of them are equally successful of course, but on the whole their performance is significantly above average. An important fact to consider in times of corona or other crises! The question, though, is how these strengths can be passed on to a new generation. A transfer of ownership means letting go, and this is never easy. Still, letting go can be intensely liberating.


We support organizations in various kinds of transitions. Reasons to seek a transition vary from the desire to strengthen the organization by scaling it up (or down) to a family’s wish to transfer ownership to a new generation or rearrange ownership ratios. We know the challenges that each type of transition may pose.


In a nutshell, the history of a successful family business goes through three major stages: first, the stage of establishment and initial growth; second, the development of a professional administrative structure; third, the consolidation of the organization. Let’s take a closer look.


Stage 1 – Establishment and growth

Founders of a family business are true entrepreneurs: they are specialists in their field and have a talent for making life easier for their clients. Typically, they are intensely passionate about their business. They are willing to work round the clock, and they have an excellent sense of the needs of their markets. Within a relatively short time they are able to set up their organizations, hire people and grow the business. This combination of expertise and commitment is a key factor for the success of a newly established family business, along with the founder’s direct involvement in every aspect of the day-to-day operations. As the organization continues to grow, the founder will gradually start to transfer responsibilities to employees, while always retaining some level of control.


Stage 2 – Development of a professional structure

At some point in its growth, a family business will reach a point where it has to step up the level of professionalism in order to remain manageable. Often this goes hand in hand with the decision to expand. As the order book fattens and the level of complexity increases, this is often the moment when companies call in our services in support of process optimization and the development of a culture of ownership, awareness and result-orientation. The key questions we help them answer are: What do our clients really need, and what is their perception of the company? What can we do to best meet their needs? What are we doing right and where could we further improve? Together with them we set out a course that will help the organization formulate an answer in response to its chosen market demand. This is the starting point for the transition process. Next, we work closely with the organization to develop a professional structure with all the necessary job profiles, including a clear definition of competencies and targets. For the sake of transparency, we lay down the whole process in writing.


Stage 3 – Consolidation and confrontation

For the children of a founder, the family business is an intrinsic part of their life. Many participate in the operations from an early age. Those who decide to make the business their career may venture out to get an education and gain experience elsewhere. When they return, they bring fresh energy into the organization. However, when this new generation shows a talent for leadership and assumes management positions, tensions may arise. Unlike other members of the organization, they are more likely to speak their minds and oppose traditional family views.


Transferring responsibilities to this new generation poses a unique set of potential challenges. The founder may recognize the need for professionalization and a streamlining of processes, but may be reluctant to give up his involvement in day-to-day operations. If at all possible, he would still be crafting his quality products himself, and also be making personal visits to all his clients. But in a mid-size organization this is simply no longer feasible. At the same time, the new generation claims all the necessary room to operate, but inevitably lacks the level of expertise and the innate qualities that were key to the founder’s success.


Gradually, the realization will dawn that the founder needs to let go of some (or all) of the day-to-day management. Our role in this is to support the organization as well as the family in their establishment of a professional administrative structure. The underpinning principle is that it is imperative to have the right people in the right positions. Day-to-day management doesn’t have to be in the hands of the founding family, but their experience and expertise will at all times play an important role. New structures, new roles for the founder or the founding family, a transfer of ownership to the second or third generation – the steps that characterize this stage can trigger strong emotions, but they are vitally important for further growth.


Multi-track approach

In our Next Level approach, we simultaneously address process optimization, the cultural transition and the transfer of ownership. Successful transitions are guaranteed to add value to the organization. At the same time, we support the family in the transfer process and the establishment of an administrative structure. This way, we transform family businesses into professional, flexible and future-proof organizations in which multiple generations collaborate in an effective manner.


It’s important that founders and their families are prepared to let go and thereby create room for future generations. Perhaps they can take inspiration from this Loesje slogan: ‘If you let go, you’ll have two hands free to seize the future’. Based on our experience, that is absolutely true.


Would you like to know more about H+C, successful transitions in family businesses and the effective collaboration between generations?

Call Henk Hauptmeijer at +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or + 31 (0)6 53 20 6 731 
or Rob Noorland
 at +31 (0)6 27 17 68 86 for more information and relevant references.



[link] => [url] => /en-US/next-level/if-you-let-go-you-will-have-two-hands-free-hc [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/20200515_H_C_Blog_familiebedrijven_samenwerkende_generaties_afbeelding_kleiner_1.jpg [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 193 [date] => 2020-05-07 [title] => Show consistent and transparent leadership in transitions [subtitle] => [text] =>

We all want our organizations to be in perfect shape. Meaning we want them to be customer-oriented, flexible, financially sound, and to have a culture of openness, collaboration and continuous improvement. And so they can, but only if we are willing to put in the work. In any transition, the entire organization pulls together to optimize processes and develop the desired culture. However, management has a key role to play in sustaining the belief in the chosen path. A single deviation from this path, however slight, may risk the entire enterprise going to waste. The thing is, with emotions under pressure such tiny slips are all too common…


At the start of a transition, motivation is high and widely shared. Managers proudly announce that things are about to change for real. They exude confidence and commitment and they lead by example. Employees are enthused and understand the need for change. ‘Organization 2.0’, or whatever name the programme may have, is supported on all levels.  


To the next level

And so it begins. In our approach, we take on process optimization and the cultural transition simultaneously, which means improvements can be achieved in much less time. As soon as strategies and objectives have been decided, we work together with employees to analyze critical processes as well as opportunities for optimizing the response to customer needs (both within and outside of the organization).


In order to achieve the objective – the correct response to customer needs – employees then need to know exactly the part they have to play. This is why we develop compentence-based job descriptions with clearly defined targets. Still, this is no guarantee of success. We also need to see that people are in their optimal positions, in possession of all the right skills and knowledge they need to do their jobs.


All organizations are different when it comes to choosing the tools that enable people to grow professionally. The options we offer include training programmes such as ‘Result-oriented collaboration’, ‘Coaching leadership styles’ and ‘Giving and receiving feedback’. We provide modern methods of performance management, with a vital role for the Spiegelapp, our interactive learning environment for personal and professional growth. Finally, we offer assessments and talent management to help spot talent and make it clear where further development is needed. After all, it’s crucial that employees find the role that allows them to realize their full potential! When the individual blossoms, so does their team and the entire organization.



Meanwhile, the transition may seem to be on a roll, but in reality things are rarely completely straightforward. Change doesn’t come easy to all of us. Some people are comfortable embracing the new, while others prefer their work environment to stay the same. For them, being appointed new roles in new settings, or even being made redundant, can trigger a deeply emotional response. 


As consultants we are well aware of the implications that transitions can have at both the organizational level and that of the individual. Familiar procedures are rewritten and old behaviours have to change. More than ever, it becomes clear which roles are vital, who is best suited to fill a specific position and, above all, who isn’t. This can be quite confronting and we don’t all handle confrontations very well, regardless of our level within the organization. Still, the transition has to happen and this puts a strain on everyone – most specifically on the manager who has set this in motion and has to act as its figurehead.


Clarity and confidence

Historically, in our projects we have sometimes seen transition leaders hesitate to start the transition as planned. They may discouraged by the opinions of others or distracted by issues of the day. Even worse, we have seen some decide to change course after the transition has been set in motion and give up on certain aspects of the plan. All because of the obstacles they may perceive or the sentiments that are present within the organization. As a result, they may send up sorely regretting their missed opportunities.


It is our business to support the people who steer their organizations through the disruption of a transition. We meet with them on a regular basis to keep track of progress and evaluate steps taken. If necessary, we can help them make the necessary adjustments, but always with a clear view of the chosen path and the final objective. We can provide individual (executive) coaching to ensure they can continue to show steadfast and trust-inspiring leadership. Employees will be looking to them for the confidence that helps them deal with the inherent uncertainties of transition.


A key factor of success throughout the transition is communication. From the start, managers have to be absolutely clear about the objective of the transition and communicate this in a way that is clear, understandable and as concrete as possible. Another point of consideration is the informal communication that goes on within the organization, which is often based on opinions and assumptions. When left unadressed, this can have a disruptive impact on the formal process. Countering misconceptions and miscommunications is also the responsibility of transition leaders. It requires them to stay visible and have an open ear for people’s concerns.


The key to success

Inevitably, transitions will encounter some obstacles along the way. Becoming an organization that is professional, agile, future-proof and in every way successful means asking a lot of every individual within that organization. At the same time it is a joy to witness employees finding greater work satisfaction while achieving improved results. It can be very energizing to work more collaboratively and much better meet the needs of a client. This kind of energy can be felt even from a very early stage of the transition, provided the organization takes the right steps and sees them through. As we see it, the person who is responsible for keeping everyone on course – the change manager, transition leader, programme manager or whatever job title they are given – plays a key role in the success of the entire organization.


In short: be open and transparent and always stick to the plan!


Would you like to know more about what H+C and Next Level! can mean for the transition of your organization?

Call Henk Hauptmeijer at +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or  + 31 (0)6 53 20 67 31 or Rob Noorland at +31 (0)6 27 17 68 86 for more information and relevant references.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/next-level/show-consistent-and-transparent-leadership-in-transitions-hc [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/Bomen_1.png [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 188 [date] => 2019-12-12 [title] => Next Level! for adaptable organizations [subtitle] => [text] =>

Process optimization and behavioural training for a future-proof organization


Organizational development only yields success if approached from two sides: by taking into consideration both people and processes. H+C does just that by using the Next Level! method - an integrated approach to culture transition and process optimization that leads to an effective and efficient organization. It allows us to help our clients achieve their ambitious goals.

The successful and proven methodology steers the transition from ‘profit, process, people’ to ‘people, process, profit’. It is an integrated approach that has been tried and tested in both commercial and not-for-profit sectors for over 25 years and can be used to good effect in any organization. In essence, we teach the organization itself to take control, keep control and continue to optimize.

People: an open culture of cooperation
A first and important source of information is analysing the potential and competences of the employees. What are each individual’s qualities and in which job can these best be put to use? We chart this using our Development Centre, so that the right people take on the appropriate tasks and responsibilities. In addition, we work out development paths to chart each employee’s future prospects.

We ensure any new agreements are set out in competence-based job profiles with clear performance targets. That way, everyone knows exactly what his or her responsibilities are and which results are expected of them. To develop the desired culture and to increase individual awareness and commitment, employees take part in behavioural training courses such as ‘giving and receiving feedback’, ‘results-based cooperation’, ‘coaching style of leadership’ and ‘influence and persuasion’. The training package is compiled in close consultation with the client - Next Level! is bespoke work.

Process: from analysis to optimization
The next step is to identify the critical processes in the organization based on internal and external customer demand. This is done together with the employees in interactive sessions which help to clarify the processes and, as a result, the workings of the organization. This in turn helps employees become more aware of their own role. Important questions that come up in these sessions are: ‘How can we best respond to the customer demand?’ and ‘What are we doing right and where can we improve?’. Using Next Level we jointly determine the best approach for the goals we want to achieve and set performance targets. The processes are then worked out in process models that can be used in practice again and again.

Profit: responding to customer demand and making a profit
Thanks to the comprehensive approach of Next Level! we work closely with the client to create an effective and efficient organization with an open, cooperative culture. An organization that is able to independently achieve its goals by continuing to align with customer demand. An organization that continues to develop and optimize.

Professional support
Naturally we coach managers and employees through this development process. We deploy our tools to enable an accelerated transition to ‘continuous improvement’. Our Spieglapp, for example, is an important support instrument for changing behaviour. This innovative digital reflection system gives employees the tools to direct their own development using online feedback about specific competences. Mutual open communication is essential to effect a change in organizational culture.

What are the benefits of Next Level?

·     An effective organization; better performance

·     An efficient organization; greater profits

·     A high-energy collaborative organization; higher job satisfaction!


Curious about H+C and Next Level!?
Call Henk Hauptmeijer on +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or Rob Noorland on +31 (0)6 2717 6886 for more information and relevant references.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/next-level/next-level-for-adaptable-organizations-2 [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/NextLevel_03_Tekengebied_1_3_1.jpg [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 178 [date] => 2019-06-28 [title] => Tailor made training and targeted assessments [subtitle] => [text] =>

No two transition programmes are ever the same. Each of our clients deserves a tailored solution to improve the performance of their teams. Effective collaboration is always the destination, but the road towards it is always unique. Our strength is being able to adjust quickly and flexibly. For our client in the super yacht industry we developed a unique programme of competency training and Development Centers for result-oriented collaboration, while the solution for a school board lay in targeted development assessments. We are able to quickly and effectively choose our tools and our finest professionals for the sake of your organization.


Tailor-made training

One of the divisions of our client in the super yacht industry had its own specific development issue in relation to the company’s transition process. In order to improve internal processes we developed three training modules for employees and managers. The theme of module 1 was ‘giving and receiving feedback’. Module 2 was about the competency ‘collaboration’ and module 3 about ‘ownership’. All three modules focused mainly on concrete, result-oriented behaviour linked to the primary (customer) process, so that employees could get a clear understanding of what is expected from them. Managers were given additional tools to optimize the processes that fall within their responsibility. Among the key topics that were highlighted during the training were process architecture and process optimization. In a transition that is still ongoing, these were a few very important steps. At the same time, improvements were implemented that greatly shortened the improvement process.


In a successful organization, clear job profiles with precisely formulated objectives and competencies, translated into concrete results and desired behaviour, are an integral part of professional performance management. Together with this same client’s HR manager we developed a set of transition competencies. 


Targeted assessments

In order to fill various vacant positions, the board of a secondary school wanted to quickly and efficiently identify the right talent among its vice principals and department heads. We were able to respond swiftly and within two weeks develop competency-driven job profiles and a development assessment to identify the competencies, talents and growth potential of the individuals in question. The result: a tailor-made solution for the department heads, vice principals and the school board, complete with valuable reports and tips for development. In addition to helping candidates find their optimal development path, the assessment enabled the board to match talent and the outstanding vacancies. 


Would you like to know more about our tailored training and targeted assessments? 

Call Henk Hauptmeijer directly on +31 (0) 70 34 69 205 or +31 (0) 6 53 20 67 31 

or call Krista Beilschmidt directly on +31 (0) 70 34 69 205 or +31 (0) 6 41 27 30 20

for more details and relevant references in the profit and non-profit sectors. 


Henk is a strategy consultant, a business administrator and an organization specialist, and also the founder of H+C.

Krista is an HR-consultant, a business administrator, an organization specialist, and a business partner in H+C.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/next-level/tailor-made-training-and-targeted-assessments2 [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/nathan_dumlao_ne3qiwViW3A_unsplash_bewerkt.jpg [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 179 [date] => 2019-02-04 [title] => Insight in the talents of professionals and teams [subtitle] => [text] =>

The right person in the right place, that’s important. But an effective organization requires more: results-based collaboration. At the H+C Development Centre we get to work with teams to gain an insight into their talents. We also set specific individual and joint goals appropriate to company strategy.


In inspiring half-day sessions at our Development Centre, we offer a combination of development assessment, training and inspirational sessions to get the most from an employee and a team. At both individual and group level, that leads to a deeper understanding of the competencies for effective collaboration. In addition, we also make agreements on specific result goals. We produce clear reports in which we set out our advice on development and careers and make suggestions about recommended training or coaching sessions. We always work respectfully and with a feel for governing relationships. Development assessments are important tools to help you obtain your company objectives.


Our portfolio contains various evaluation tools ranging from selection, career and management development/High Potential assessments to TOP assessment/ Leading Innovation assessment. These are all based on scientific research and can be used individually and for groups. 


We have selected our psychologists on their people-oriented and results-based skills. They work according to the code of conduct of the Dutch Association of Psychologist (NIP) and are accredited for the Insights Discovery and Management Drives methodologies.


Would you like to know more about the H+C Development Centre and our assessments?

Call Henk Hauptmeijer on number +31 70 346 92 05 or +31 6 53 20 67 31 for more information and relevant references in the profit and non-profit sectors. Henk is a strategic consultant, business administrator, organization specialist and founder of H+C.

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