Professional and personal growth

Insight into competences, managing development-2

12 December 2019


Our feedback system is an important instrument for nurturing talent. The feedback is given online and shows employees which competences need more targeted training. This is also valuable information for our clients, who as employers steer the transition to an effective organization - an organization in which cooperating and taking responsibility are key skills.


Online platform for talent development

We have developed this feedback system, the Spiegelapp (mirroring app), as an interactive learning environment in which staff are given continuous feedback from their manager, colleagues and others involved. There is no need to wait for the traditional performance interviews of the assessment cycle and as a result, the employees’ development is much faster.


Competence development with the Spiegelapp

Staff direct their own development because they themselves decide which competences in their job profile they would like feedback on and from who. The feedback they receive can then be presented in clear reports. The results provide new insights that are of great value to the development interviews with the manager. These interviews subsequently require far less time to prepare because staff members are in control of their own development. And they can work on furthering their development with renewed energy.


Online feedback via handy app

Receiving feedback is essential. This is underlined by the personalized video that employees can add to their feedback request – it acts as an added incentive to the ones giving the feedback. All done using the app of course, quickly and easily and in your organization’s house style. What is more, the app works on any smartphone.


Other practical features:

·       chat feature to share knowledge and experiences with colleagues;

·       interview cycle sends reminders of appointments made from performance management;

·       feedforward and development tips for competences and skills still to be developed.


Insight via the HR portal

HR managers receive anonymized data presented in clear dashboards that provide answers to: How often is the app used? Which app features need to be highlighted? What is the average score on the various competences – organization-wide, for each department or at job level?


When a company is transitioning to a more effective and cooperative organization, managing performance goals and being cooperative are important skills for programme and project managers to have. How they score is shown anonymously in clear graphs in the dashboard and that also illustrates where further training and development is required in line with the organizational objective. As such, the Spiegelapp offers a sound foundation for HR training policy.


HR portal contributes to organizational development

For a report, the HR manager can easily select any graph to be presented automatically in PDF format and used to support presentations aiming to initiate follow-up steps. The Spiegelapp feedback system gets organizations moving in the appropriate way.


Our feedback method encourages:

·       control over the own development

·       insight into and development of talent

·       an open feedback culture

·       full cooperation in merger processes

·       young people to apply for a job or traineeship


Additional benefits of the Spiegelapp:

·       substantive development interviews

·       saves time and costs

·       energetic and productive employees

·       Software as a Service: H+C offers peace of mind


Curious about our Spiegelapp feedback system?

Call Krista Beilschmidt on +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or +31 (0)6 41 27 30 20 for more information and relevant references in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Krista is HR-consultant, business administrator, organization specialist and managing partner of H+C.


H+C's power sources

+    Organization management

+    Transition management

+    Talent management

+    Assessment

+    Training

+    Coaching

H+C's qualities

  • +


  • +


  • +


  • +


  • +

    Focus on results

  • +


stdClass Object ( [id] => 4 [title] => Footer [style_id] => [style_class] => [menu] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 77 [title] => Disclaimer and privacy statement [url] => /en-US/disclaimer-and-privacy-statement [icon] => [style_id] => [style_class] => [active] => [current] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 92 [title] => General Terms and Conditions [url] => [icon] => [style_id] => av_pdf [style_class] => [active] => [current] => ) ) [translations] => Array ( [94] => Array ( [alias_url] => team ) [102] => Array ( [alias_url] => assessment-3 ) [74] => Array ( [alias_url] => working-for-hc [menu_title] => Working for ) [101] => Array ( [alias_url] => next-level ) [92] => Array ( [alias_url] => [menu_title] => General Terms and Conditions ) [77] => Array ( [alias_url] => disclaimer-and-privacy-statement [menu_title] => Disclaimer and privacy statement ) [71] => Array ( [alias_url] => hc [menu_title] => H+C ) [75] => Array ( [alias_url] => contact [menu_title] => Contact ) [85] => Array ( [alias_url] => projects [menu_title] => News ) [82] => Array ( [alias_url] => coaching [menu_title] => Coaching ) [81] => Array ( [alias_url] => training [menu_title] => Training ) [80] => Array ( [alias_url] => assessment [menu_title] => Assessment ) [79] => Array ( [alias_url] => talent-management [menu_title] => Talent management ) [78] => Array ( [alias_url] => organization-management [menu_title] => Organization management ) [70] => Array ( [alias_url] => power-sources [menu_title] => Power sources ) [103] => Array ( [alias_url] => de-kracht-van-hc [menu_title] => The power of H+C ) [69] => Array ( [alias_url] => home [menu_title] => Home ) [114] => Array ( [alias_url] => haftungsausschluss-und-datenschutzerklarung ) [115] => Array ( [alias_url] => ) [112] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-7 ) [109] => Array ( [alias_url] => hr-live ) [111] => Array ( [alias_url] => interesse-in-een-vragenuur ) [108] => Array ( [alias_url] => seminar-spiegelapp ) [107] => Array ( [alias_url] => faq ) [106] => Array ( [alias_url] => assessment-2 ) [110] => Array ( [alias_url] => online-training ) [91] => Array ( [alias_url] => spiegelapp ) [100] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-6 ) [99] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-5 ) [98] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-4 ) [97] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-3 ) [96] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-2 ) [95] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-1 ) [76] => Array ( [alias_url] => search [menu_title] => Search ) [72] => Array ( [alias_url] => our-clients [menu_title] => Our clients ) [73] => Array ( [alias_url] => stories [menu_title] => Stories ) [84] => Array ( [alias_url] => karakteristieken-van-hc ) [83] => Array ( [alias_url] => krachtbronnen-van-hc ) ) ) website Object ( [menu] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 91 [title] => Spiegelapp [url] => /en-US/spiegelapp/insight-into-competences-managing-development-spiegelapp [icon] => [style_id] => [style_class] => [pagebanners] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 18 [cattitle] => Spiegel App [title] => Professional and personal growth [intro] => spiegelappbanner [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/pagebanners/images/IDEE_HC.jpg [thumbnail] => ) ) ) [aliasFound] => ) [page] => stdClass Object ( [language] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 4 [code] => en-US [language] => EN [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/en.gif [sort] => 2 ) [headTitle] => H+C’s Spiegelapp: the interactive learning tool in transition and improvement programmes - H+C [metaKeywords] => [metaDescription] => De vernieuwde HR-cyclus: talent ontwikkelen in een veranderende markt [currentUrl] => /en-US/spiegelapp/insight-into-competences-managing-development-spiegelapp [navigation_id] => 1 [template_id] => 1 [id] => 102 [title] => Spiegelapp [style_id] => [style_class] => [content] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 251 [number_of_cells] => 1 [style_id] => sterkeverhalen [style_class] => smallblock [cells] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 297 [title] => [content_type] => website_type_news_item [style_id] => [style_class] => [data] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 187 [date] => 2019-12-12 [title] => Insight into competences, managing development-2 [subtitle] => [text] =>

Our feedback system is an important instrument for nurturing talent. The feedback is given online and shows employees which competences need more targeted training. This is also valuable information for our clients, who as employers steer the transition to an effective organization - an organization in which cooperating and taking responsibility are key skills.


Online platform for talent development

We have developed this feedback system, the Spiegelapp (mirroring app), as an interactive learning environment in which staff are given continuous feedback from their manager, colleagues and others involved. There is no need to wait for the traditional performance interviews of the assessment cycle and as a result, the employees’ development is much faster.


Competence development with the Spiegelapp

Staff direct their own development because they themselves decide which competences in their job profile they would like feedback on and from who. The feedback they receive can then be presented in clear reports. The results provide new insights that are of great value to the development interviews with the manager. These interviews subsequently require far less time to prepare because staff members are in control of their own development. And they can work on furthering their development with renewed energy.


Online feedback via handy app

Receiving feedback is essential. This is underlined by the personalized video that employees can add to their feedback request – it acts as an added incentive to the ones giving the feedback. All done using the app of course, quickly and easily and in your organization’s house style. What is more, the app works on any smartphone.


Other practical features:

·       chat feature to share knowledge and experiences with colleagues;

·       interview cycle sends reminders of appointments made from performance management;

·       feedforward and development tips for competences and skills still to be developed.


Insight via the HR portal

HR managers receive anonymized data presented in clear dashboards that provide answers to: How often is the app used? Which app features need to be highlighted? What is the average score on the various competences – organization-wide, for each department or at job level?


When a company is transitioning to a more effective and cooperative organization, managing performance goals and being cooperative are important skills for programme and project managers to have. How they score is shown anonymously in clear graphs in the dashboard and that also illustrates where further training and development is required in line with the organizational objective. As such, the Spiegelapp offers a sound foundation for HR training policy.


HR portal contributes to organizational development

For a report, the HR manager can easily select any graph to be presented automatically in PDF format and used to support presentations aiming to initiate follow-up steps. The Spiegelapp feedback system gets organizations moving in the appropriate way.


Our feedback method encourages:

·       control over the own development

·       insight into and development of talent

·       an open feedback culture

·       full cooperation in merger processes

·       young people to apply for a job or traineeship


Additional benefits of the Spiegelapp:

·       substantive development interviews

·       saves time and costs

·       energetic and productive employees

·       Software as a Service: H+C offers peace of mind


Curious about our Spiegelapp feedback system?

Call Krista Beilschmidt on +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or +31 (0)6 41 27 30 20 for more information and relevant references in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Krista is HR-consultant, business administrator, organization specialist and managing partner of H+C.


[link] => [url] => /en-US/spiegelapp/insight-into-competences-managing-development-spiegelapp/ [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/Spiegelapp_Tekengebied_1_4_1.jpg [type] => News [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) [headImage] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/Spiegelapp_Tekengebied_1_4_1.jpg ) [template] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [title] => Default [file] => templates/1/default.php [root] => /templates/1 [path] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/templates/1 [settings] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [website] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [title] => Hauptmeijer & Clotscher [url] => [base] => /en-US/ [default_language] => nl-NL [analytics] => UA-113364692-1 [style_id] => [style_class] => [logo] => [slogan] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/websites/screenshot//var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/websites/screenshot/slogan_purple.svg [headTitle] => H+C [metaKeywords] => Hauptmeijer & Clotscher, maatwerk, organisatiemanagement, transitiemanagement, talentmanagement, assessment, training, coaching [metaDescription] => Maatwerk met organisatiemanagement, transitiemanagement, talentmanagement, assessment, training en coaching ) [languages] => Array ( [nl-NL] => Array ( [id] => 1 [code] => nl-NL [language] => NL [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/nl.gif [sort] => 1 ) [en-US] => Array ( [id] => 4 [code] => en-US [language] => EN [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/en.gif [sort] => 2 ) [de-DE] => Array ( [id] => 5 [code] => de-DE [language] => DE [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/de.png [sort] => 3 ) ) [microtime] => 1740290984.5875 [db] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => -1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: b5c5906d452ec590732a93b051f3827e02749b83 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 6 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.0.38-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [server_version] => 50505 [stat] => Uptime: 9947337 Threads: 4 Questions: 1081007136 Slow queries: 56102 Opens: 87407206 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 400 Queries per second avg: 108.673 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 7389009 [warning_count] => 0 ) [user] => stdClass Object ( [preferedLanguage] => ) [events] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [title] => HR Live online: hét online kennis- en netwerkevent voor HR. [alias] => seminar-spiegelapp [date] => 2021-01-21 09:00:00 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2 [title] => HR Live: hét online kennis- en netwerkevent voor HR in de Fokker Terminal [alias] => hr-live [date] => 2021-05-20 00:00:00 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 3 [title] => Spiegelapp Vragenuur [alias] => interesse-in-een-vragenuur [date] => 2021-01-22 13:00:00 ) ) [isnewspage] => 1 )