Professional and personal growth

The Spiegelapp connects generations

25 February 2020


When the workplace is home to a mix of generations… it can be a challenge! The Spiegelapp is able to bridge this diversity in competencies, communication styles and attitudes to life. It is a digital development tool that enables people and teams to grow together, even when the generation gap would seem unbridgeable.


With Generation Z already finding its way into the labour market, age diversity in the work environment is on the increase. It’s important that those in the oldest group, the baby boomers, share their knowledge and experience with younger colleagues who are eager to learn and develop. This can only happen when both groups understand each other’s preferences and are able to communicate.


Typical generations

Baby boomers tend to be loyal employees with a preference for long-term jobs. They are used to working in hierarchical structures and have an abundance of knowledge and experience. It’s important for organizations that this group shares its expertise and baby boomers are happy to do so. For some of them, digital skills are a weak spot.


The gap between baby boomers and Generation X is rarely an issue. People in this age group are hard workers just like the baby boomers, with a no-nonsense approach and the same sense of hierarchy. The generations behind them, Y and Z, have a very different attitude to life, which is more likely to result in clashes between generations. They show greater flexibility, including in their jobs, but only if it fits their general lifestyle. They prefer four-day weeks while retaining full pay and ‘daddy days’. The work-life balance is their number one priority.


In the eyes of millennials (Generation Y) and the even younger whizz kids of Generation Z, the things that matter are freedom, flexibility and participation. They don’t like long meetings and slow decision-making. They abhor authoritative leadership and top-down management styles. Working hard is not something they do because it’s what the boss wants, but because it’s their own choice. These generations believe the way to learn things is not by following a senior’s example, but by simply doing. Learning is a dynamic and interactive process, and knowledge is acquired at the moment it’s needed. Feedback is part of the process; these younger generations learn from their mistakes. They are flexible and seek out change, for instance by working in different positions, within different departments and in short-term employment.


Learn together

Many organizations expect generations Y and Z to adjust to their existing cultures. But predominantly hierarchical ways of working may result in generational clashes and insufficient use of the talent that is readily available.


For instance, baby boomers may tend to work long hours while younger generations are used to new ways of working and manage their time differently. Open communication about this creates new possibilities, such as the option to work from home. Once the older generation gets used to this idea, it’s something they too can whole heartedly embrace. The younger generations, in turn, won’t mind working longer hours when necessary.


Baby boomers often have highly organized and systematic styles of working. Younger generations may ask more critical questions, forcing organizations to be more reflective. Don’t think of this as criticism and don’t brush them off with platitudes such as ‘this is based on many years of experience’.  Be open to each other’s talents and include the input of younger people in your decisions.


Baby boomers and Generation X can help the younger generations learn to see things in perspective and develop their social skills. In fact, millennials and Generation Z are happy to accept the guidance of experienced colleagues, so long as they feel their voices are heard. Personal contact with managers and senior colleagues can be especially helpful to younger generations as they further develop their soft skills, such as communication and creativity. In their turn, the new generations can help older colleagues expand their digital skills.


The Spiegelapp bridges the gap

The Spiegelapp is an innovative, digital reflection system that brings generations together. Young people grew up with applications such as this one, and research has shown over and over again that older employees are willing to move with the times and expand their digital skills. The Spiegelapp, our interactive learning environment, is perfect for this: it is a low-threshold tool that is inspirational and fun to use! It allows employees to take control of their development as it allows them to decide which competencies within their job description to receive feedback on and from whom. Requests for feedback can be made at any time, making it possible to receive a continuous stream of input from managers, colleagues of all ages and others. The feedback received is laid down in clear reports, and the result can lead to new and valuable insights for personal and professional growth.


Engage in conversation

Asking for feedback and receiving tips for learning via feedforward can take place at individual or team levels or even on the project level. Talents and opportunities for development are brought to the surface, ready to be put to use and taken to the next level, resulting in growth for the individual, the team and the organization as a whole. In addition, the Spiegelapp fulfils the desire of younger generations for regular feedback and swift development. The reflection is an important conversation starter: Which values are important to you and how can you make optimal use of them? How can you and your team utilize the competencies, knowledge and experience of the different generations to ensure that you all grow and succeed together?


Share knowledge and grow

The Spiegelapp is the connecting factor that enables generations to engage in conversation. Older generations are keen to share their lifelong experience and sense of perspective, which makes them perfect as coaches. Younger employees like to receive feedback and coaching to speed up their learning process. The Spiegelapp stimulates the communication between generations with different styles and preferences, thereby opening the door to collaboration and knowledge sharing. As a result, the entire organization will grow.


Curious about our Spiegelapp development tool?

Call Krista Beilschmidt on +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or +31 (0)6 41 27 30 20 for more information and relevant references in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Krista is an HR-consultant, business administrator and organization specialist, and a managing partner of H+C.

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+    Transition management

+    Talent management

+    Assessment

+    Training

+    Coaching

H+C's qualities

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  • +


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  • +


  • +

    Focus on results

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stdClass Object ( [id] => 4 [title] => Footer [style_id] => [style_class] => [menu] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 77 [title] => Disclaimer and privacy statement [url] => /en-US/disclaimer-and-privacy-statement [icon] => [style_id] => [style_class] => [active] => [current] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 92 [title] => General Terms and Conditions [url] => [icon] => [style_id] => av_pdf [style_class] => [active] => [current] => ) ) [translations] => Array ( [94] => Array ( [alias_url] => team ) [102] => Array ( [alias_url] => assessment-3 ) [74] => Array ( [alias_url] => working-for-hc [menu_title] => Working for ) [101] => Array ( [alias_url] => next-level ) [92] => Array ( [alias_url] => [menu_title] => General Terms and Conditions ) [77] => Array ( [alias_url] => disclaimer-and-privacy-statement [menu_title] => Disclaimer and privacy statement ) [71] => Array ( [alias_url] => hc [menu_title] => H+C ) [75] => Array ( [alias_url] => contact [menu_title] => Contact ) [85] => Array ( [alias_url] => projects [menu_title] => News ) [82] => Array ( [alias_url] => coaching [menu_title] => Coaching ) [81] => Array ( [alias_url] => training [menu_title] => Training ) [80] => Array ( [alias_url] => assessment [menu_title] => Assessment ) [79] => Array ( [alias_url] => talent-management [menu_title] => Talent management ) [78] => Array ( [alias_url] => organization-management [menu_title] => Organization management ) [70] => Array ( [alias_url] => power-sources [menu_title] => Power sources ) [103] => Array ( [alias_url] => de-kracht-van-hc [menu_title] => The power of H+C ) [69] => Array ( [alias_url] => home [menu_title] => Home ) [114] => Array ( [alias_url] => haftungsausschluss-und-datenschutzerklarung ) [115] => Array ( [alias_url] => ) [112] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-7 ) [109] => Array ( [alias_url] => hr-live ) [111] => Array ( [alias_url] => interesse-in-een-vragenuur ) [108] => Array ( [alias_url] => seminar-spiegelapp ) [107] => Array ( [alias_url] => faq ) [106] => Array ( [alias_url] => assessment-2 ) [110] => Array ( [alias_url] => online-training ) [91] => Array ( [alias_url] => spiegelapp ) [100] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-6 ) [99] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-5 ) [98] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-4 ) [97] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-3 ) [96] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-2 ) [95] => Array ( [alias_url] => formulier-1 ) [76] => Array ( [alias_url] => search [menu_title] => Search ) [72] => Array ( [alias_url] => our-clients [menu_title] => Our clients ) [73] => Array ( [alias_url] => stories [menu_title] => Stories ) [84] => Array ( [alias_url] => karakteristieken-van-hc ) [83] => Array ( [alias_url] => krachtbronnen-van-hc ) ) ) website Object ( [menu] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 91 [title] => Spiegelapp [url] => /en-US/spiegelapp/spiegelapp-overbrugt-generaties-hc [icon] => [style_id] => [style_class] => [pagebanners] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 18 [cattitle] => Spiegel App [title] => Professional and personal growth [intro] => spiegelappbanner [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/pagebanners/images/IDEE_HC.jpg [thumbnail] => ) ) ) [aliasFound] => ) [page] => stdClass Object ( [language] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 4 [code] => en-US [language] => EN [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/en.gif [sort] => 2 ) [headTitle] => H+C’s Spiegelapp: the interactive learning tool in transition and improvement programmes - H+C [metaKeywords] => [metaDescription] => De vernieuwde HR-cyclus: talent ontwikkelen in een veranderende markt [currentUrl] => /en-US/spiegelapp/spiegelapp-overbrugt-generaties-hc [navigation_id] => 1 [template_id] => 1 [id] => 102 [title] => Spiegelapp [style_id] => [style_class] => [content] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 251 [number_of_cells] => 1 [style_id] => sterkeverhalen [style_class] => smallblock [cells] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 297 [title] => [content_type] => website_type_news_item [style_id] => [style_class] => [data] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 190 [date] => 2020-02-25 [title] => The Spiegelapp connects generations [subtitle] => [text] =>

When the workplace is home to a mix of generations… it can be a challenge! The Spiegelapp is able to bridge this diversity in competencies, communication styles and attitudes to life. It is a digital development tool that enables people and teams to grow together, even when the generation gap would seem unbridgeable.


With Generation Z already finding its way into the labour market, age diversity in the work environment is on the increase. It’s important that those in the oldest group, the baby boomers, share their knowledge and experience with younger colleagues who are eager to learn and develop. This can only happen when both groups understand each other’s preferences and are able to communicate.


Typical generations

Baby boomers tend to be loyal employees with a preference for long-term jobs. They are used to working in hierarchical structures and have an abundance of knowledge and experience. It’s important for organizations that this group shares its expertise and baby boomers are happy to do so. For some of them, digital skills are a weak spot.


The gap between baby boomers and Generation X is rarely an issue. People in this age group are hard workers just like the baby boomers, with a no-nonsense approach and the same sense of hierarchy. The generations behind them, Y and Z, have a very different attitude to life, which is more likely to result in clashes between generations. They show greater flexibility, including in their jobs, but only if it fits their general lifestyle. They prefer four-day weeks while retaining full pay and ‘daddy days’. The work-life balance is their number one priority.


In the eyes of millennials (Generation Y) and the even younger whizz kids of Generation Z, the things that matter are freedom, flexibility and participation. They don’t like long meetings and slow decision-making. They abhor authoritative leadership and top-down management styles. Working hard is not something they do because it’s what the boss wants, but because it’s their own choice. These generations believe the way to learn things is not by following a senior’s example, but by simply doing. Learning is a dynamic and interactive process, and knowledge is acquired at the moment it’s needed. Feedback is part of the process; these younger generations learn from their mistakes. They are flexible and seek out change, for instance by working in different positions, within different departments and in short-term employment.


Learn together

Many organizations expect generations Y and Z to adjust to their existing cultures. But predominantly hierarchical ways of working may result in generational clashes and insufficient use of the talent that is readily available.


For instance, baby boomers may tend to work long hours while younger generations are used to new ways of working and manage their time differently. Open communication about this creates new possibilities, such as the option to work from home. Once the older generation gets used to this idea, it’s something they too can whole heartedly embrace. The younger generations, in turn, won’t mind working longer hours when necessary.


Baby boomers often have highly organized and systematic styles of working. Younger generations may ask more critical questions, forcing organizations to be more reflective. Don’t think of this as criticism and don’t brush them off with platitudes such as ‘this is based on many years of experience’.  Be open to each other’s talents and include the input of younger people in your decisions.


Baby boomers and Generation X can help the younger generations learn to see things in perspective and develop their social skills. In fact, millennials and Generation Z are happy to accept the guidance of experienced colleagues, so long as they feel their voices are heard. Personal contact with managers and senior colleagues can be especially helpful to younger generations as they further develop their soft skills, such as communication and creativity. In their turn, the new generations can help older colleagues expand their digital skills.


The Spiegelapp bridges the gap

The Spiegelapp is an innovative, digital reflection system that brings generations together. Young people grew up with applications such as this one, and research has shown over and over again that older employees are willing to move with the times and expand their digital skills. The Spiegelapp, our interactive learning environment, is perfect for this: it is a low-threshold tool that is inspirational and fun to use! It allows employees to take control of their development as it allows them to decide which competencies within their job description to receive feedback on and from whom. Requests for feedback can be made at any time, making it possible to receive a continuous stream of input from managers, colleagues of all ages and others. The feedback received is laid down in clear reports, and the result can lead to new and valuable insights for personal and professional growth.


Engage in conversation

Asking for feedback and receiving tips for learning via feedforward can take place at individual or team levels or even on the project level. Talents and opportunities for development are brought to the surface, ready to be put to use and taken to the next level, resulting in growth for the individual, the team and the organization as a whole. In addition, the Spiegelapp fulfils the desire of younger generations for regular feedback and swift development. The reflection is an important conversation starter: Which values are important to you and how can you make optimal use of them? How can you and your team utilize the competencies, knowledge and experience of the different generations to ensure that you all grow and succeed together?


Share knowledge and grow

The Spiegelapp is the connecting factor that enables generations to engage in conversation. Older generations are keen to share their lifelong experience and sense of perspective, which makes them perfect as coaches. Younger employees like to receive feedback and coaching to speed up their learning process. The Spiegelapp stimulates the communication between generations with different styles and preferences, thereby opening the door to collaboration and knowledge sharing. As a result, the entire organization will grow.


Curious about our Spiegelapp development tool?

Call Krista Beilschmidt on +31 (0)70 346 92 05 or +31 (0)6 41 27 30 20 for more information and relevant references in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Krista is an HR-consultant, business administrator and organization specialist, and a managing partner of H+C.

[link] => [url] => /en-US/spiegelapp/spiegelapp-overbrugt-generaties-hc/ [image] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/Organization_2_3.jpg [type] => Blog [head_title] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [images] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) [headImage] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/list/images/Organization_2_3.jpg ) [template] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [title] => Default [file] => templates/1/default.php [root] => /templates/1 [path] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/templates/1 [settings] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [website] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [title] => Hauptmeijer & Clotscher [url] => [base] => /en-US/ [default_language] => nl-NL [analytics] => UA-113364692-1 [style_id] => [style_class] => [logo] => [slogan] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/websites/screenshot//var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/websites/screenshot/slogan_purple.svg [headTitle] => H+C [metaKeywords] => Hauptmeijer & Clotscher, maatwerk, organisatiemanagement, transitiemanagement, talentmanagement, assessment, training, coaching [metaDescription] => Maatwerk met organisatiemanagement, transitiemanagement, talentmanagement, assessment, training en coaching ) [languages] => Array ( [nl-NL] => Array ( [id] => 1 [code] => nl-NL [language] => NL [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/nl.gif [sort] => 1 ) [en-US] => Array ( [id] => 4 [code] => en-US [language] => EN [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/en.gif [sort] => 2 ) [de-DE] => Array ( [id] => 5 [code] => de-DE [language] => DE [icon] => /var/www/clients/client34/web77/web/beheer/upload/1/languages/icon/de.png [sort] => 3 ) ) [microtime] => 1741314142.2767 [db] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => -1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: b5c5906d452ec590732a93b051f3827e02749b83 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 6 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.0.38-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [server_version] => 50505 [stat] => Uptime: 10970495 Threads: 5 Questions: 1198192638 Slow queries: 56160 Opens: 96490384 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 400 Queries per second avg: 109.219 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 8179659 [warning_count] => 0 ) [user] => stdClass Object ( [preferedLanguage] => ) [events] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [title] => HR Live online: hét online kennis- en netwerkevent voor HR. [alias] => seminar-spiegelapp [date] => 2021-01-21 09:00:00 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2 [title] => HR Live: hét online kennis- en netwerkevent voor HR in de Fokker Terminal [alias] => hr-live [date] => 2021-05-20 00:00:00 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 3 [title] => Spiegelapp Vragenuur [alias] => interesse-in-een-vragenuur [date] => 2021-01-22 13:00:00 ) ) [isnewspage] => 1 )